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I don't give a fuck if you're joking or playing around, DELETE my book from your library if you like to throw the nigger word around. And you know who yall are, so don't even try to comment 😋 enjoy being muted 😽 and anyone else who does that stupid childish shit will be muted too. But a big shoutout to my respectful cute lil angel babies!! Y'all motivate me everyday with your funny comments and love, if you see this I LOVE YOU. Comment it back if ya want !! Also I have schooling so I can't edit 😩 but I love you guys!!

"Saintie!" I yelled as we breathed heavily, finally finishing laser tag. I was worn out, and felt sick form running after my huge feast. Saint was excited, but I could tell he needed another nap too.

It was ten and the area was about to close, so we put everything up, and headed out. I scooped Saint up, going through the back as he lay exhausted on my chest with his arms around my neck and legs around my waist.

We both slid in the car as he began crying, which came to show he definitely needed another nap. But I wanted to do a pop up since we were near the studio, I just wanted to see Jahseh. Truth be told I missed him.

I held Saint to my chest as we stepped out, him still crying as I moved my body up and down cooing his little tired mind. "Mama." He asked as I sighed, entering the elevator as Rico hit the fourth button.

"Yes Saintie?" I asked.

"Do ou love me?" He asked as I pushed his head back, looking at him. "Mama loves you more then anything in this world." I said as he grinned, hugging me before asking to be put down. He was so bipolar, just like his dad.

I walked in, but squinted my eyes as I saw Jahseh too close with a female. She was sitting on his lap, a flannel around her and a hat as his hands touched her hips. Them both bobbing their head to the beat.

"You not mama!! Dada who dis!?" Saint screamed as he shook his fist in the air, running towards them as he pushed at the female. She gasped, Jahseh did as well as he looked over at me.

I was fucking pissed, my entire body was heating up. "Rico, watch Saint I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered before walking out of the room, my feet were fucking killing me but my heart was even more.

"Aye, Storm cloud how we do-"

"Oh fuck off." I hissed as I pushed Harry out of my face. "Stormi!" Jahseh yelled as I continued, walking into the bathroom. I attempted to shut the door but Jahseh ran into it as he walked right in.

I stared at him as he shut the door, locking it. "It wasn't-"

"What it looked like. I know."

"Okay your the one that said you were single." He said as I shrugged. I looked at my face, opening my purse to apply lip gloss. "But you got me fucked up." He said as he came behind me, his hand slapping my ass he grabbed it.

"I don't wanna be single anymore." He says as he moved my curls back, kissing at my neck as I ignore him. I looked down, trying to ignore the pleasing feeling. I attempted to walk away, my knees weak, but he stopped me.

"Baby, come home. I don't wanna sleep alone again tonight. How can I get you to, and how can I make it up to you?" He asked as he continued kissing my neck. I turned around, but he ended up pushing me back first up against the wall.

"Stop." He said breathing heavily through his nose as he applied his lips to my neck, his hands forcing mine behind my back.

"Baby tell me?" He said as I grew some strength, pushing him off of me. "I came here so Saint can see you. That's it Jahseh." I say before staring at him, and walking out a minute later.


"Your so mean!" The bitch who was sitting on his lap said as she ran out, tears rolling down her face as I looked back at Jahseh as we both stopped walking. "Huh?"

"And thay out!" Saint yelled as he shook his little fist in the air. "Saintie what'd you do?" I asked as Jahseh came behind me, wrapping his arms around me. Saint looked at me, showing his sweet face so I know his bad ass did something. He'd push out his bottom lip and make the puppy face, every single time he got in trouble.

"Nutin! Mama I want leave! I want leave!" He yelled as his eyes began to water. He was probably still tired, I walked towards him removing Jahseh's hands and scooping him up.

"Give me a-" Jahseh attempted to talk but saint cut him off.

"No!" Saint screamed as he pushed Jahsehs' hands away. I was shocked by this, he always loved his daddy. So why was he acting this way?

"Baby give him a-"

"I say NO!" He said as he began flaring his arms screaming as he cried. "Saint why?" I ask as I clutch him too me.

"Dada hurt mama! Leaf dada, go!" He screamed as Jahseh's face dropped. "I- I'm so sorry." I yelled as I looked at him, his face showed defeat.

I walked away.

Tonight I was visiting Skis' birthday party, and was ready to turn up with Brianna and Gigi. We all got ready in my hotel room, I was in love with my sparkly blue dress, I had to take a picture as we turned up, bumping music.

Gigi wore a tight black sheer body suit with black heels, and Brianna wore a short satin tight dress, her body banging even after a child.

I posted before uploading the picture to my Instagram, after editing it to remove my small bump.

I posted before uploading the picture to my Instagram, after editing it to remove my small bump

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Stormiloo this is it.. ;) @Giginoura @briannabri thank you 😩 @justinshane for the dress!

I smiled before walking outside of the hotel room, after grabbing my black Gucci purse. We all three hold hands as we walk outside, paparazzi directly in our faces as we keep our heads down.

I was so ready to have a good time.

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