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I sighed as I entered the bathroom. She sits on a counter rapped in a towel, with another one around her wrist. I caught her just in time, as she forget to lock the door.

Most of the blood she left in the bathtub was gone. I could tell she was dead inside, as she lay against the mirror holding a towel against her baldy slit up wrist. she was overwhelmed and i know that's what caused it because she never talks about how she feels, to anyone ever.

I pulled out the first aid kit, thankfully seeing a needle and thread. I poured alcohol into her wounds as she let out a yelp. I was so fucking mad at her, so damn mad. She knew it too.

Mad because she went over there, mad because he raped her, and mad because I had to fucking kill him. Most of this was her fault besides the rape situation, and it heated me even more remembering the sight.

I sat there as she squirmed and cried as I penetrated her skin shut with the needle and thread. Not saying shit towards her or I was gonna make her cry even more. I felt heat was radiating off my body with how angry I am.

Once her wrist was patched up, I applied lotion over her body. Handing her clothes as I watched her get dressed.

She was fragile in the state she was, and definitely on suicide watch with me. I wasn't leaving her side unless I had to, and I hope she knew that.

"Sit." I said as she sat at the bar like table, since we were at her grandmas and I drug her downstairs to eat. I warmed her up some pizza, slamming it down in front of her as I sat, staring at her in anger.


"Eat." I said sternly as her big brown eyes looked up at me. She frowned. "Maybe I should've-"

"Stormi," I spit in anger.

"Id advise you to shut the fuck up and eat that pizza or this shit isn't gonna end pretty, now is it?" I seethed angrily as she nodded, and ate. Tears flying down her face at the same time. I felt bad but it was her fault she decided to go over there, she had to have known better, I even told her.

Lucas has raped many females, I remember beating him half to death because one of them was Geneva. His gang never use to be like it is now, raping females, terrible drug abuse, and it's almost been caught up many times.

I walked upstairs with her, opening her door as she walked in. I grabbed her by her non hurt wrist and planted a kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry Jahseh, this is all my fault." She weeped into my chest as I shook my head. We stood there for a minute until she was all cried out.

I looked down at her grabbing her waist.

"That wasn't your fault, you just shouldn't have went over there. You should've came to me Stormi, that's why I'm so shitty. This could've easily been resolved but you went the wrong way, but everyone fucks up so don't let this fuck you up.

"It doesn't change you and you're still beautiful in my eyes and forever in my eyes." I said as she frowned, pecking my lip.

I stayed up that night, rubbing her back as her small body slept on top of mine, chest to chest. I knew my touch was making her feel both safe and comfortable and as of now that's what she needed.

"Stormi, baby. Get up." I whispered as she moaned, her hair all over her face.

I lifted her up, sitting her up as she attempted to slouch over.

Once her big brown eyes were open, I looked back at her as she looked at me. Her eyes still filled with sadness as she stood up. She attempted to walk past me but I grabbed her by her waist, kissing her forehead.

"Why am I awake?" She ask as I push her against me, her head laying on my chest as her hands sit on my chest. "I told your grandma about what happen-"

She pushed me harshly back, cashing me to gasp.

"Why would you do that?!" She yelled as I sat down on the bed staring at her, but not listening to shit she was yelling about.

"Like why would you do that?! What if I didn't want her to know?! Do you ever think about how I would feel for a second!? Jahseh!" She yelled stomping her foot down as I looked up at her.


"So you weren't listening to anything I said?"

"Oh, I was. I just don't care. You got an appointment in an hour, get ready." I said before kissing her forehead. I stopped in the doorway, turning around and attacking her with kisses as she busted out laughing.

"And I will know if you attended that appointment, bye babygirl." I said before winking at her and leaving to handle some business.

"Nigga you fucking killed him?!" Gazzy yelled as I rolled my eyes.

We were now in a meeting, surrounded by Asian Boyz. They laughed as I rolled my eyes, who's gonna bust sum?

"Who's gonna move sum? You see my allies and look at theirs." I say shrugging as the boys agree. Gazzys face was filled with anger.

"Yea maybe not to you but there's other people in this fucking gang! Thank smarter like your dad, for this gang moves underground." Everyone got silent as he said this, in his face I knew he regretted it.

"Jahseh man-"

"Shut the fuck up gazzy. Didn't your mom teach you to learn how to shut the fuck up when grown folks are talking? Your excused from this meeting, get out bitch." I spit angrily as he sighed.

"You know I love you and didn't mean it like that man. I'm sorry." He said before shaking his head and exiting the all black room. "Jahseh. I think we should make a compromise." Wu said as I looked over.

"Depends, what is it?" I said disregarding Gazzy.

"I think we should compromise with the bloods to be cool, but snake then and take all artillery and drugs away, you see," he slides over a map.

"Here is where their underground bunker is, we get access to that and they'll have to be out bitches then." He says as I grin.

"I think that's a damn good idea Wu." I say as we shake on it.

We plan it out detail to detail, and four hours later the meeting is over.

"Well have to take acting in six months, build and earn some trust then we'll be smooth." I say as they nod. I shake hands with everyone before quickly leaving, Gazzy sitting on the curb as he skids rocks across the lot.

"Aye, c' mere." I say as he looks over standing.

There's something wrong with him, I've been sensing it over these past couple of weeks. I need to figure it out.

"I'm s-"

"The comment is forgotten about and forgiven. What's up with you jit?" I say a he sighs.

"My ex, she- I got her pregnant maybe six months ago? She's taken everything from me. My car, my house, I'm sleeping in a damn motel man." He says as he puts his head down in shame.


"Because, she hates me for what I did to her so she filed for child support and some how got it. She took all the money I have and had, my moms place is gonna go down, and all my siblings- I don't wanna be no bitch but man- Jahseh- I don't know what the fuck to do." He says as he looks up at me. "We can't go back to the life we lived."

I felt bad for the second time in my life, the first time had to due with Stormi. But Gazzy is my brother, ain't no way he's struggling in front of me when I have the advantage to help him.

"Listen, don't worry about shit but take that bitch to court and show any evidence of her being evil. I'll handle your money, I got you Gazzy. You should've came to me about this shit when it first started." I say as he nods, hugging me as I hug him back.

We've been through some rough times together and we'll continue to do it together.

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