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I was finished performing, exhuasted as I left the massage room. My body sore and tense. Saint has watched from back stage, jumping with my manager and screaming as he was excited to see me.

I couldn't get his words out my head, I heard them through my mic. "That's dada, my dada!"

I sat in the room as I waited for him, Harry walking in with Saint on his shoulder as he laughed at the plane sounds being made. "Swoooosh. Early land!" Hardy yelled as april walked in, smiling and shutting the door. He gently threw him on the couch.

"Jahseh you got you one good ass boy!" He yelled as he handed Saint a twenty. "Now what're you gonna do with that?" I ask as he runs up to me, I scoop him sitting him on my lap. "I give to mommy." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

April's face dropped as did Harry's, we were confused. I was expecting toy car or something, not to his mommy. "Why that?" I ask as he looks up at me. "She cry cuz no food or light, so I help her so she don't cry. We get through it." He said as everyone's face held a sad composure.

"She- What do you mean?" Harry said as as he all urge him to go on. "I dunno, she cry cuz I said we have no food, den she- she- she cry cuz we have no water. But it always get paid."

I was worried because how did he know this?

"How?" I ask as I stare at him.

"Knee-ma. He pay bill when mama can't, I saw it! She met him when I seep in car, but I awake."

My heart stopped as I figured out who he was talking about. "Oh, okay. Harry do me a favor and take him to get some food and ice cream, I-"

"Say no more. Come on Saint." He said as I kissed Saints head as he grinned, pecking my lips as I smiled.

I was boiling as I drove my Rolls Royce thirty minutes to her apartment, hoping she was there because I needed some kind of fucking explanation as to why my kid know she's sleeping with her married ex for her bills to get paid.

This is bullshit, she is no fucking slut, so why is she doing this? She knows anyone can help her out but yet she chooses to give her body away instead of asking for a little help. "Who is this Stormi?" I whisper to myself as I pull up to her apartment complex.

I thump up the stairs banging on her door, she opens it. Her hair wet and skin red, which clearly meant she had to have slept with him and scrubbed her skin hard right after. It was still shiny, as it always was. But hey red and looking irritated.

I walked in as she stepped back. "What're you doing here I th-"

"Cut the shit Stormi. What the fuck were you doing while I had Saint?" I said as her face dropped. "Jahseh, what're you talking about?"

"Maybe the fact that our two year old son knows you sleep with Neymar to get your fucking bills pain!?" I yelled as her mouth dropped.

"H-how does he-"

"So it's true?! Are you fucking serious?!" I yell as she covers her mouth. "You wanna he known as some home wrecking slut? Is that what you like Stormi!?"

"Jahseh Shut the fuck up! You don't know shit! Not everyone lives the lifestyle you do now! And stop yelling I have neighbors." She tried to say calmly as I began to sweat, my anger rising.

"I don't know shit? I sure the fuck know you like to sleep with married men, and so does your fucking son! How can you live with yourself?!"

"You don't get it! I said shut the fuck up!" She yelled before pushing me. I grinned, twitching.

"Then explain it, I don't have to get shit to understand you being a home wrecker and some whore, it's facts right there when it comes from the eyes of a damn two year old who offered to give his mom twenty dollars cause she can't afford fucking food." I said crossing my arms as she frowned, she was attempting to hold back her tears.

"Jahseh just leave, you don't fucking get it! Just go! I hate you!" She yelled before pushing me, I caught her arms as I pushed her into my chest as she broke down, crying hard.

I was fuming but I still held her as she cried, squeezing me and her eyes wetting my Versace shirt. As mad as I was, a part of my heart broke knowing she was doing this to herself when she deserved so much more.

She was more then just a piece of ass for him to play with, and take advantage of because she knew he had a son she needed to provide for. The thought made me want to throw up everything I previously ate. She deserved better, she deserved better.

"Stormi look at me, I'm sorry baby you're not a slut, just please explain what the fuck is going on." I say as she sighs, whimpering as she wipes under her eyes.

"I- I saw him again and long story short I started struggling, I thought he was still my best friend and he offered support. But- it wasn't what I thought it was. He started spoiling Saint with lavish trips and paying the bills and sending me money for school or just the shit I needed in exchange for pussy. I did what had to be done, Saint had to be fed, I needed a car for his appointments, a bed for him to sleep in, and clothes on his back." She said as she calmed down.

"I just- I hate it. He has a wife and their in an open relationship but- I feel sick to my stomach he had kids. He's famous and if anyone finds out, it's over with. My life is done for, and that's why I can't stop now. If I do, he said he'd tell all of the internet, Jahseh I'll lose ever-"

"Shush, no you won't." I say as I push her into my chest. "And that's a threat."

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