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The movie was fun, Stokeley cracked jokes the entire time, causing us to almost get kicked out with how hard we were laughing. We sat at a dinner now, I was almost comfortable around them. They seemed to be cool people, and I was low key excited to get to know them more.

"So, what happened between you and Kimetrius?" Kylie ask as I lied. "Nothing, he just made me mad." I said as Jahseh looked at me. "Did you go to his house?" He ask as I nodded. "Yea we just watched movies, I caught him texting another person and just got mad. Nothing bad." I say as they all nod.

"Well, I'm skating. I need to get a nut in-" Kylie slaps Stokeley as we busted out laughing. Kylie embarrassed. "I'm kidding, but you know the drill, bye vro's." He says as she shakes my hand, doing a weird shake up with Jahseh. He leans in, whispering in his ear. "I'm eating yo ass tonight." He says as Jahseh pushes him.

"Bye Ski." He says as I smile, their bond funny to watch. They leave as I finish my fries, leaning my back against the window of the booth. "Did you actually just watch movies?" He ask as I shrug.

"Yes." I say as he stares at me. I smile, his eyes big. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I say as he looks away, cracking a smile. "You have fun tonight?" He ask as I nod. We stand, cleaning our burger and fry mess up, throwing it away as we exit.

"You finally gonna be back at school tomorrow?" He says as I nod. "Yes, and I'm not excited." I say as he sighs. "Me neither."


"Not important."


"You ask too many questions."

"Why?" I say out of spite before looking at him smiling as he grins back. "Shut up Stormi. Stormi, who came up with your name?" He ask.

"I was born under a huge storm, it was so bad my mom had to go to the basement of the hospital to have me. She said when she did, the storm stopped." I say.


"Yea, no." I say laughing as he frowns, pushing my shoulder. "My mom just liked the name, nothing too special." I say as he laughs. "Who lies like that?"

"Me." I say grinning at him. He sighs, looking at the window as the atmosphere changes.

We pull up to my house. "You wanna come in and hangout?" I ask as he shakes his head. "I have to pick someone up."


"Stormi, can you just go?" He says rudely as I look at him. He seemed angry after checking his phone, but I let it slide. Quietly getting out of the car and unlocking the door to walk in my house. I slam the door shut, annoyed by everyone. It was only eight, I went into the kitchen grabbing a tub of chunky monkey ice cream.

I take my shirt and pants off, sitting under the covers as I watch Netflix. I sigh before finishing the ice cream up, throwing it in the trash can next to my bed. I play on my phone for a while, my phone singing from a text.

- stormi im so sorry, please let me make it up to you
Read at 8:45pm

I finish my game up, opening you tube as he text me again.

- Stormi pls txt me back

- what the fuck do u want

- I'm sorry, I really am. I don't wanna be with u bc I'm scared of relationships, and we just met but you're different and I didn't realize it till I felt so empty from you not even being. Please forgive me, I'll make it up tomorrow after school.

- okay fine, but I'm still pissed at you.

- I understand baby, I won't ever do any stupid shit like that again.

I lay in bed before locking my phone, soon falling asleep.

- M O R N I N G -

I woke up early, throwing on a pair of jeans, my ass looking fat. I was actually starting to link my shape, enjoying it really. I threw on a red hoodie, sliding on my new red vans. I actually looked decent, and not in sweats and leggings. I brush my teeth, walking downstairs to see my mom on the couch.

"Hey mamaloooo." I say kissing her cheek as she looks up, her bonnet on. "Hey stormiloooo. Jahseh is taking you to school, I've worked two days, I need sleep." She says as I nod. I grab an orange and my back pack, Jahseh honking as I run outside. I open the front door, Geneva staring back as I slam it shut, beggining my journey of walking to school.

I put my ear buds in, walking as Jahseh yells my name for me to get in, I ignore him. I walk up to the school ten minutes later, Jahseh past me as he sped off after calling my name. "Hey cutie." Kimetrius says to me as I look up, walking towards my locker.

I ignore him as well, starting to grab my books. "Can you please talk to m-"

"OH KIMETRIUS, IS THAT THE CHICK YOU BONED LAST NIGHT? THE ONE YOU SAID STINKS?" I hear someone yell as I turn around, Jahseh, Stokeley, and Kylie laughing as Geneva screams it.

I panicked as I grabbed my things, stuffing them into my back pack as everyone at the school begins to laugh at me. I keep my head down, tears flying out of my eyes as I run out of the school, already. It was too damn early for this.

I was so glad when I walked inside my house, running up the stairs as my mom yelled my name. "Stormi! Girl! Come the fuck down here!" I heard her yell as I slammed my door, heaving as I broke down.

I was so embarrassed that he would even say things like that, I was more embarrassed at myself for letting him do shit like that to me. I blocked his number before he could even text me. It felt as if I couldn't breath as I began to have a panic attack, my mom banged in the door as I quickly opened it, running into her shoulder as I cried harder. Feeling sicker then ever.

She held me, rocking me back in fourth, rubbing my back as I cried.

I began to calm down as she did breathing exercises, finally breathing as I wipe my face. "Now what happened baby?" She ask as I frowned. "I did something stupid, with a boy. He went and told everyone I stink, and that he boned me." I say as she frowns.

"Did you have sex with him?" She ask as I shook my head. "No, we did stuff but I didn't want it to happen, but I let it and it's all my fault." I say crying again as my voice cracked. "No baby it's not, Listen, fuck broward county schools, I'm stupid for even letting you go there. Well do home schooling, cause this is bullshit and I know it'll get worse. Just fuck them baby, we know you don't stink and that boy does too. Niggas and bitches gone talk, espically with how bad you are babygirl.

Fuck what they have to say, cause you and I both know you are one beautiful, smart ass girl. Let them talk they shit, they can eat a dick. Don't let it get to you." She says as I smile up at her.

"Let's go out to eat, get some mama time in ya."

"No no, you go to sleep ma. I'll be fine, I'm gonna chill and watch some Netflix. You need sleep." I say as she sighs. "Man, you always worried about someone else besides yourself. I love you stormiloo." She says kissing my cheek before getting up to leave.

I watch YouTube before feeling my body fall asleep.

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