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"Oh my, it's so nice." Stormi says as she walks around the condo. Her eye, and jaw bothered the hell out of me and I so badly wanted to slit that niggas throat, but I had to wait.

NYPD is good with it forreal, so I had to wait until the time I'd be in Barcelona. Which was soon.

"How much was this?" She ask as I slip my jacket off, my shoes next. "I believe fifty bands?" I say as she frowns. She continues touching and looking around, I figured it must've been a while since she's seen nice shit.

"Stormi, come here." I say as I lay down on the couch. She comes toward me, straddling my torso in just her panties and a sweatshirt. Forever my favorite signature on her, and of her.

"I wanna kill him." I say as I look dead at her pussy, my hands touching the creases near her hips. "Jahseh-"

"I wanna be with you." I say as I look up at her. "I want you to pack your shit, and Saints shit, and be my girlfriend again. I don't want you struggling, I wanna spoil you lavishly, more then I ever did. I wanna wake up to you, see you after my shows, fuck you all the time, and bathe you in nothing but my love and support." I say as her eyes widen.

"What's the issue Stormi? What's stopping you?" I say as I look into her eyes. "Cause I can't just keep being a fuck to you, I want something more, and it's you."

"Jahseh you fucked with my head, you know that right?" She says making a face as I nod.

"I get that, and I'll give you time and space to think but I can't leave you here. Not at that apartment with my son, or near Neymar." I say as she sighs.

"But hell-"

"And I'll fucking slit his throat." I say as her eyes widen. "I'm not that same Jahseh anymore relationship wise, but I'll always be fucking looney when it comes to you baby. Cause this," I grab her pussy as she gasped.

"Is only meant for Jahseh Onfroy. I've held it off for too long but," I say as I pull her thong to the side, rubbing her clit as she bites her lip. "Over my dead fucking body will he ever touch something that belongs to me, ever again." I say as she throws her head back, my hand speeding up.

She rocks her hips, bending toward me to touch my shoulders. I kept it up as she continued rocking her self, biting her lip as she squeezed my shoulder and whined. I slowed down as she began jumping, causing me to lift up quickly and hold her as she rode my hand till her orgasm was finished.

"So, what is it?" I ask as I lift myself up, holding her against my chest. "I'll- I'll do it." She says as she lifts up, looking at me as I kissed her.

I took her towards the bed, my dick hard against my jeans as I groaned. Once we both got onto the bed, she quickly pulled me out, sinking onto me as we both sighed in relief.

"Oh." She moaned as she squeezed her eyes shut. My hand touched and pulled at her boobs as she grounded herself onto me, her as clapping as I began to let out small moans and groans. Her pussy tight and warm around me as she whined.

I couldn't help myself as I nutted fast, rolling her over and forcing her knees to her jawline as I pounded in and out of her. She came a minute later, us both breathing heavily.

We were eating Chinese, fresh out the shower. As-

"Jahseh." Stormi said as I looked over, eating my noodle before setting it off to the side. "Who's Taylor? Like, who actually is she?" She asked as I sighed.

"I said she's a groupie. As in she sucks my dick, and my friends too." I say as she nods. "Well that's gr-"

"How much room you got to talk?" I said as she made a face, putting her finished food to the side before slapping me straight in the face with a pillow. "Ow!" I yell as my nose throbs.

"I'm sorry! You okay?!" She yells as I laugh, laughing at how loud she got for no reason. "I'm fine baby, I'm fine." I say as I lay on my back, as she follows in suit laying her head on my chest.

I could spend my life like this.

It's crazy to think the other day we were seventeen year olds, I was battling my depression and trying to find myself and what pleases me. She came along, and everything changed. She showed a interest in getting to know who I was and why I was the way I was.

She honestly nurtured me, and showed me that happiness is a real thing.

I remember seeing her in the hall way, the first thing I looked at was that ass. My first instinct was to hit but then I thought she was weird, I hung out with her and realized she was cool.

I noticed all the small shit about her, how her eyes are humongous when she stares at the T.V. or how she gets so shy after we have sex, still till this day. How her left boob is bigger then her right, she's left handed, her eyes go from dark brown to hazel, they have marks in them.

How she's a brat, has a huge heart, listens and actually is completely mature.

I could write a book.

I- I think I'm in love with her.

I fell asleep to Stormi on my chest, waking up to my alarm since I had to catch a flight. I completely forgot, I thought she'd have more time to pack her shit but she doesn't. And there's no way I'm leaving her here.

I slid out of bed, scooping Stormi up as she moaned. She rubbed her eyes, limp in my arms right after. I walked inside of the bathroom, clapping as the light turned on. She squinted her eyes, waking up as she looked around.


"Shush, just come on." I said as I ushered her towards the shower.

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