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"Why do you do this to yourself? I-"

"Gigi I know, I'm not a kid, please don't lecture me. You know why I do it." I say as she wipes the blood up from my lip. Neymar beat me relentlessly last night because I didn't want to go another round and I tried to fight him off while he was drunk, wasn't too good of an idea now since I have a fractured jaw, a bruised eye socket, and a busted lip.

I dropped my pants and slid my shirt off, wincing at the scratches and bruises he left. He never has acted like this, usually he just threatens me with money, but never actually beat on me. That was until he was drunk.

I was use to it all now though, it wasn't right but I know his pain came from his wife cheating on him. Which made no sense since he cheated as well, but like I said, it had to be done or I was going to get thrown out of my apartment.

I told Jahseh I wasn't doing it anymore, lied right through my teeth. I felt terrible I was lying to him but I had to, I didn't want his help, I didn't want anyone's for that matter. Well besides Neymar cause he could provide more then anyone ever could since he is the third richest man in the world now.

Plus he treats Saint so well, although Saint has never really met him. I was shocked he even new his name, but he must've heard it when I was on the phone with him or something.

He bought Saint a Rolls Royce car for his birthday, he was so damn happy, and some anime shirts. Even sent us to comic-con where Saint was his happiest, more then he's ever been. His smile was the entire reason I still did what I did, it lit up my darkness.

"Stormi, he's gonna fuck around and kill you one day." Ricky said as he walked in, wincing at my marks. I turned around, frowning. "And if I do that's-"

"Depression on your son for the rest of his life knowing his mom is dead-" Ricky said as I rolled my eyes.

"But that's not going to happen. Can you two just get off my nuts? What I do affects me not-"

"Affects your kid too. You aren't a selfish person but I think when it comes to this you are, is it even about the mon-"

"Ricky, you two just stop." I said as I clutched the counter, looking at myself disgusted with who I was, and who I was turning into. "Okay, I'm sorry. Have fun tonight with Jahseh."

And with that they left.

I took a shower, shaving and relaxing a bit before getting dressed. I wore a light blue dress and black heels, doing my hair, and as I was doing my makeup he walked in. Scaring me.

"Your lock, is broke. Why?" He asked as I shrugged. "It's been like that since I moved here."

"I'll get it fixed. But why are you doing all this for a date?" He asked as I removed the plastic part of the mascara wand out of my mouth, pushing my eyebrows together. "I thought-"

"Baby ain't shit changed, you know we both don't do dates. We never have." He said as I put away my make up. "Thank you lord, I couldn't walk in these damn heels another minute." I say as he grins.

"There's my girl." He says as I attempt to ignore the fact that it hit me like a thud in my chest. I'm not his girl, I'm some whore who sleeps around with me. It confused me how he even still wanted me.

"Can you get out so I can change?" I ask as he looks up at me, furrowing his eyebrows. "What?"

"Can you-"

"Take your clothes off." He said sternly as I looked down. "Stormi."

I did as was told, sliding my blue dress off slowly he eyed my body, clenching his jaw. My bruises and marks were on full display a she stepped closer to my only underwear clad body, seeing the hickies and painful bruises that weren't hickies.

"And this is also where his came from?" He says as he snakes his arm around my waist, touching my busted lip. I nodded.

Saint was at his nana's for the weekend, thankfully but Jahseh so badly wanted me to bring Saint and come to Arizona, and he even stayed over time here in New York just to convince me.

"Get dressed. Meet me in the car." He said as I nodded, watching him as he angrily slammed the door as he left, causing me to wince. I broke down into tears as I put on a pair of sweats, and a black champion hoodie with my slides.

I left soon after, bringing my purse as I walked down the stairs. Once I was in his car, he pulled off. I laid my head against the window of his expensive Range Rover, thinking about my life.

Jahseh's big hand touched my thigh, rubbing it as he gave me comfort. I laid my hand on his, looking at him as he smiled at me.

"Your beauty seriously amazes me everyday." He says as he averts his eyes back to the empty road. He was so damn sweet now, always complimenting me even when we texted. Every morning I'd get a reminder and call from him, expressing how beautiful I am and he hopes I have the best day I can.

Or what lavish thing he bought Saint, or sending me pictures of Saint at his concert. I couldn't help myself as I removed my seat belt, and told him to lift up. He deserved this. "Huh?"

I ignored him as I flipped his dick out, moving my head under his arm and quickly shoving his dick down my throat. The car swerved as he hissed, moaning a minute later.

He pushed his hips up repeatedly as he fucked my throat, causing me to gag but I continue. I moaned, the vibration causing him to pull over the car. "Fuck, come on." He said as I kept it up, even though my throat felt like fire from taking eight inches down my throat.

He nutted fast as I swallowed, finally able to breath as I heaved lifting my head up. "You still got it." He said as I busted out laughing.

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