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"Stormi!" I heard someone whisper yell as my eyes shot open. Jahseh made eye contact with me as I groaned, stuffing my face into the blanket. "What?" I ask as he hands me my phone.

Kimetrius was calling, but I ignored it. I fell back asleep, but Jahseh poked me causing me to open my eyes. "What?' He says as I slap his hand. I roll over, hiking my leg up as I attempt to fall asleep. "Hey stormi?"


"You have a fat ass."

I was too tired to even respond, I just nodd-

"Did you just say my ass was fat?" I say realizing what he actually just said. "Yea." He says. "Thanks." I say covering my face. "I'm gonna play the game, okay?" He said as I nodded.


"Stormi, you gotta leave." Jahseh said as I shot up. "Huh? What? Why?" I say removing my hair out of my face. "My moms back home." He says as I nod. I get out of bed, stretching before grabbing my phone and slides. "Hey." He says as I look at him before leaving. "I have to take you home tomorrow after school."


"Because your mom is paying me cause she'll be working thirds."

"Okay." I say before leaving. I go home, walking across the street as I open my messages from Kimetrius.

- are u mad at me 🥺

- no

- ok good, is it okay if I come get you in the morning?

- yea that's fine with me

- ok be ready by 7

- also you wanna hang after school? I have a new bar room at my house, and a movie room if you wanna chill

I low key didn't want to but I agreed just because I didn't wanna lose a chance of possibly making a new friend.

- yea okay, that's fine

I locked my phone before laying down, falling asleep again.

"Stormi! Come eat!" My mom yelled as I woke up, trudging down stairs in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. Usually me and my mom did this, super comfortable around each other so it never bothered us. I stepped down, flopping on the couch. I gasped as Jahseh walking in the living room from the kitchen. I grabbed the blanket on the couch, sitting it over my freshly shaved legs.

"Hey." I say as he looks over at me. "Hey."

"What you doing?" I ask as if I'm not half naked and freaking out. "I don't know really." He says as I nod. "Well I'm gonna- go upstairs." I say awkwardly as he nods. "I'll follow."

"No!" I yell as he looks at me as if I'm crazy. "No, not yet anyways. Let me clean it a little." I say as he nods. "Why are you wrapping the blanket around your legs?" He ask as I shrug. "New trend, get with the movement Jahseh." I say as he grins.

"Nice pink panties." He says as I look down, the holes in the yarn blanket showing a sky face begins to heat up in embarrassment. "Stop." I say as he laughs hard, his smile attractive. I walk upstairs, embarrassed and wanting to die.

I huff before opening my door, throwing on a pair of Walmart sweats. I'm all about the deals. I take my contacts out, shoving my glasses on. I sit in my room, hiding my face in the cover as I hear the door open. I look up, pushing my glasses up. Jahseh walked in with pizza on a plate in his hand.

"Here." He says handing it to me as I thank him. "I'm gonna stay up here, my mom is talking about some shit that's gross." He says as I nod. "Yea, my mom does that too." I say. We eat silently. I set my plate down as I finish, sighing. Jahseh takes a blunt out of his jacket. "You smoke?" He ask as I shake my head.


"Because it's bad for you." I say as he shrugs. "Hit it." He says after he lights it. I shrug, saying fuck it as he passed it to me. We pass it back in fourth as I play a random movie. I feel my body sink into the bed as I finish coughing my lung up, everything looking as if I'm in a movie. Jahseh looks at me, eyes blood shot. We stare at each other for awhile. "You stare a lot." I say as he nods. "Why?" I ask.

"You have a nice face." He says as I began laughing, once I started I couldn't stop as he bust out laughing with me, us cracking up. I jump as my door opens, an angry mom in the door way. "What the fuck is this!?" She yells as I stare at her, in shock. "Smoking without me!?" She says as I breath out a breath I was holding in.

"Mom." I say covering my face as she laughs. "I'm leaving, you two kids have fun. No fucking or I'm beating your ass Stormi." She says as I gag. She shuts the door as I look up at him, him of course staring at me. "Stop staring at me." I say as he continues. I grab a pillow, slapping him with it as he jumps. He puts the blunt out before grabbing another pillow, smacking me with it. "Ow!" I yell as he hits my eye.

He laughs hard as I punch him. He hunched over wincing, good. "Ow fuck." He yells as I laugh. We calm down, just weirdly staring at each other. "Question?" He says as he climbs onto my bed, sitting across from me. "Yes?"

"How old are you?"

"We're both seniors." I say as he nods.

"Oh." He says as I stare at him. Things start to feel intense, my chest felt as if it was caving in. He leaned in as I began to freak out, leaning forward. I breath out heavily as he just reaches to grab the remote. "This shit is lame." He says standing, sitting on the couch in front of my bed. "Holy shit." I whisper to myself.

That was a close one.

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