Coffee Jelly

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        "Hey. Didn't you here? (Y/n) Suoh is back! Can you believe it?!" A boy said, talking to another boy.

        "She's back? Already? Sounds like her trip to Paris was quick." Another boy said, excited to be seeing the empress of PK Academy.

        "I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend." Another boy said, and started dreaming and fantasizing about him and the famous girl.

        "Dude. She is way out of your league." A different boy whacked the daydreamed boy on the back of the head.

        "She just got back, and she's already getting the entire school ready for her arrival." Saiki thought. He sighed, knowing that attention will be on him once she arrives. "I just hope I won't attract any bullies."

        "Thinking about me already?" A familiar voice ran through his head. He sighed once again, and looked behind him. He saw the famous (Y/n) Suoh walking towards him. "Hey there Ku~"

        "Don't call me Ku. I don't like that nickname." Saiki said, giving a glare to her, before he started walking away.

        (Y/n) caught up to him, and walked beside him. "Awe come on Saiki. Are you really going to be so mean to me when I just got back?" (Y/n) teased her friend.

        "Why is she walking with Saiki?" The thoughts of some boys flooded into the their heads.

        "I wish she would pay attention to me." The thoughts of another boy came to their heads.

        "You're attracting attention to us. Leave me alone." Saiki thought, walking just a little bit faster.

        (Y/n) caught up to his pace easily, smiling. "Good to see you too."

        To be honest, Saiki was glad she was back. He didn't like having people pay attention to him, but when it comes to (Y/n), he would't mind having attention on himself, as long as they didn't drag him into trouble. But he would never admit that to his friend. This was a small moment Saiki was glad he could block (Y/n) from his thoughts, but didn't like it how she could block hers from him.

        Standing with the rest of the students, (Y/n) and Saiki were talking to one another using their powers. It beat talking to other students, or listening to other kids, or the principle with their lecture.

        "How was Paris?" Saiki asked looking down at her with only his eyes, but never moved his head.

        "It was ok. My uncle Hikaru and Kaoru were taking me everywhere, while Uncle Kyoya made them stop. Uncle Honey kept trying to make me eat cake, while Uncle Mori just watched. Dad kept calling me princess, while mom was just being her normal independent self." (Y/n) smiled, remembering her time with her family, which was some of the best moments of her life. Something clicked in her mind, and she smiled. "I have a French pastry in my bag. Do you wanna try it?"

        "Yes." Saiki answered immediently.

        (Y/n) let out a small giggle.

        After the collapse of a green haired boy, along with a boy with a yellow mohawk kid trying to help, (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at the events. What made (Y/n) just lose it, was that Saiki got dragged into it.

        "Have fun Saiki!~" (Y/n) smiled, watching as Saiki walk towards the nurses office. She laughed more when Kusuo looked back at her, and glared.

        Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! And yes, I made you related to the characters of Ouran Hight School Host Club! Hope you all enjoyed!

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