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Everyone else had a "power" except him. Grian had wings, Iskall could shoot slime from his hands, Ren had ears and a tail, ect. Except mumbo. People just shrugged it off telling him he was a late bloomer.

 "Hey, stop slouching over there and join us!" Grian yelled.

 Mumbo nodded and struggled to put on his elytra. Grian came down to help.

 "How is it flying without an Elytra?" Mumbo questioned grian.

 " I mean at times it's really weird because I forget I have wings, and I try to unbuckle them. " Grian replied hastily.

When mumbo was finished buckling the elytra on, he flew up and spun circles with Grian and Iskall. 


When Mumbo got back from his break, he started working on some redstone things. He was focusing on getting this one thing done. The hermit finished and went to the bathroom to wash off the excessive redstone, when he realised his hands were glowing the same shade as redstone. "Gah!" Mumbo stumbled backwards and landed on a cow. He dunked his hands in water, afraid what people would say if they found out. Mumbo heard a thump behind him. Great. Grians here at the worst time possible.

"Heyyyyyyyy grian! What brings you here?" Mumbo said while desperately trying to cover up his hands. 

" let me see your hands. " Grian said blandly.

"What do you mean?" Mumbo said panicked. 

The started bickering, and mumbo gave up. He showed the other hermit his hands, and Grian forced him to go see Stress. Mumbo gave in and went to see Stress.

"Hey Stress..." Mumbo started.

" Hey mumbo, is there a reason you needed to se- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HANDS? " Stress questioned. (I don't know a lot about her btw, sorry if I make her seem not like herself) 

 "I don't know! I was working on redstone when this happened!" Mumbo explained. 

 Stress grabbed his hands and used her abilities (she can sense different auras, basically if you have a power, you have an aura. I'll explain about auras in more detail at the end of this chapter.) Stress shrieked.

 "Welp, definitely didn't need eardrums" Grian muttered. 

 "You have an aura! Oh my God mumbo! I'm so proud!" Stress explained.

 Mumbo stood shocked. "I have an aura? Can you tell me what my power is though?"

 Stress shook her head. "I wish I could tell, but you have to go to Iskall for that one. He sets up so many different tests for abilities. That's where I figured out what mine was."

 "Thanks for your help stress." Mumbo got up and flew with Grian to Iskalls base.


More about auras! (And the hermits abilites)

Stress: Can heal and sense other auras

Iskall: Can shoot iskallium (slime) from his hands

Grian: Has wings

Rendog: Has ears and a tail

X: Admin controls

EX: hacking abilities 

Mumbo: ??? ( Maybe he can shoot spoons and bananas from his hand.)

(If you have any more Hermits to add to this list, go ahead!)


if you have an ability or power, you have an aura. Auras are related with each person's unique colour. (Eg. pinkish-red for grian.) Stress was freaking out because mumbo never had an aura until then. It doesn't matter what age you are, it just appears one day. Auras usually pop up when you are 10 - 13, but it can be earlier or later than that age. 

Stress: pinkish peach

Iskall: royal blue

Grian: pinkish red

Rendog: orange red

X: (transparent) purple

EX: (transparent) red

Mumbo: charcoal black

(Same thing here, if you have any more Hermits auras, list them here! )

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