Discovery (3)

671 17 55

The person stared at a wall.

 "Soon, he will find out what his abilities can do. How powerful they could actually be, I must take act immediately. What does he hold dear to himself?" The person thought for a bit. " Grian"

They sent him off into the direction of Grians base.


Grian stared at his building materials, he didn't know what to build. He took a break and flew above his base, letting the air clear his thoughts.

*Crack* the window shattered.

Grian went to check it out, and only found a note there.

 "We have Mumbo, come to these coordinates at 11:30 or else." Grian sighed. " What has he gotten himself into now? " 

He packed up all of his stuff and headed toward the coordinates.


 "Is he coming now?" 

"Yes ma'am."



Grian slowly drifted down in front of a cave. He got out his sword and was prepared to fight anyone.

He entered and saw EX to his left, and a cloaked person to his right.

 He stared at them not knowing what to do. It was when the cloaked figure pulled out his sword, he understood what was happening. 

Grian charged at the mysterious person, when suddenly he felt a jolt of pain coming from his back. He yelped in surprise, turned around, and stared at cold evil eyes. It was EX. He felt weak suddenly, and dropped down to his knees. 

EX pulled his sword out and stared down at the man.

 "You're so oblivious Grian..." 

Grian felt vision one last surged of pain in his stomach as he black out.

EX kicked his battered body. 

 "What do we do now?" 

 " We hold him for ransom" the figure said while putting Grian in a cell. "Remeber, we are here to kill Mumbo. Then, I will remain the most powerful hermit!" She chuckled.


 "Grian! I need you to look over my building!" Iskall called out.

 Her found a note on Grians bedroom.

"Grian will die tonight. Meet us at these coordinates, or else Grian will be killed in front of you."

 Iskall groaned. He wasn't looking forward to this.


The coordinates led Iskall onto a small island.

Iskall took out a sword and carefully watched every angle. Stress came out of the bushes and scared Iskall.

 "Ah! Stress..." His voice trailed off. " Was it you who's holding Grian ransom? "

 "What? Grians being held ransom?" She looked shocked.

Suddenly EX came out behind the trees.

"I assume you want Grian back?" 

" Yes. Let him go. "

EX held up Grian. One of his wings were almost gone, and it looked like something was eating him from the inside.

"What did you do?" Iskall demanded.

" I just put a little virus that eats him up on the inside. " he shrugged.

"Give him back!" Iskall barked.

" You have to come here. "

Iskall slowly approached EX, watching his step. When he was a few blocks away from him, the floor shifted revealing cacti. He was lucky enough to escape the trap.

"You set this all up!" 

"Indeed I did." he smirked.

Iskall felt a small push, and he was falling into the pit of cacti. 

"Goodbye Iskall." He heard a feminine voice call.

 He gave out one last small scream before the pain took over.




Iskalls gonna die ;-;

Say goodbye to him.


*reads cue cards* Thanks for over 300 reads- WAIT 300 READS

Bestfriendforever338 has died from fangirling.


I'm too awkward at A/Ns. Okie bai!

*Bestfriendforever338/JellyRollCake has left the chat*

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