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Ah yes, I wrote this as a sequel to 'The Horrifying Erasers', but quickly made into its own book. The original copy is private now, *cringes* and it's for the better.

Also, I just passed uhm... 400 reads?

What. Am I seeing things? Did I actually do this in the span of 5 days? (I lost count!)

Okay, okay, enough blabbing. Here's the story, Iskall doesn't die in this one *wink* *wink*.

Also, no. This is PAST the civil war time.

and yes, MORE ANGST



Mumbo awoke to the sound of his alarm clock. Wait... No, it was Grian?!?

He picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey Mumbo! Are you ready for that camping trip with the G-team?" 

"Yeah, yeah" Mumbo replied.

"Great! I'll pick you up in two hours!" Grian chuckled before ending the call.

The mustachioed hermit got all of his stuff ready, and ate breakfast. He awaited for the arrival of Grian.


Grian finally came and they hopped in the car. Their campsite was two hours away, so it was going to be a long ride.

Grian started blasting music while driving. He nodded his head furiously along with the beat. Mumbo recorded this sneakily (post it Mumbo!). The two had to pick up Jevin and Tango. They met up and got into the car with the two other men.

The four of them went straight to the campsite after that.


"Ah~ I love the scent of nature." Stress said while breathing in the sweet scent.

"I agree. " Joe grinned.

They all stood around the fire eating s'mores. When they finished, Mumbo stayed there enjoying the fires warmth. 

Iskall was there aswell, but something was a bit off. Iskalls one eye was cloudy, and his mechanical one was glitching out a bit.

"Are you okay Iskall?" Mumbo questioned.

Iskall snapped out of his trance.

" Huh? Oh sorry about that Mumbo. " he said while smiling. Iskall yawned. "You should probably go to bed. I'll come in after you." 

Mumbo nodded and headed off into his tent. 

" Grian, somethings a bit off with Iskall today. He seems... Different... "

Grian listened to all the things Mumbo said. He nodded every time an important fact was brought up.

"Lets question Iskall about it tomorrow." 

Mumbo agreed and silently went into his sleeping bag, falling asleep almost instantly.


The next morning, Iskall was gone.

"What do we do?" Stress questioned.

"We all go in pairs and look for him. You, Joe, and Cleo, Jevin and Tango, and me and Mumbo. " Grian commented.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and left with their partners. They split up and started searching.

"Do you think it has anything to do with his eyes?" Mumbo queried.

 "Possibly." Grian mumbled.

A scream was heard in the distance. The two hermits ran to see what happened. 

It was Iskall. 

His face was drained of colour, and blood soaked almost every inch of his body. There were deep cuts on his torso and legs. What was thing that caused Stress to scream? The dagger in Iskalls chest. It looked like it was forcefully shoved into him. Realization dawned among the two men.

Iskall was dead.



I've done it four times, what about five?

Poor iskall. He's the victim of every series.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now