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Sorry about the short chapter!

Writers block just hit me like a truck. (Wow the truck jokes are back)


 "Stress!" Cleo exclaimed.

 "What?" Stress mumbled.

 " Jevin! He's gone! " Cleo panicked.

 "That probably means he's dead." Stress muttered.

 Cleo winced. "Hopefully he's with the others." She looked at the ground and shifted around.

 Stress nodded. "We got to figure out a way to stop Tango. Remember, when both of us die, we will restart the week." 

Cleo thought of a way to improve the trap. The hermit wandered around the table trying to find the blueprints. After a while of searching, she had a nervous look on her face. " I think Tango might have found our plans... " Cleo trailed off.

Stress's eyes widened in fear. "But that means... That means Tango knows what we are up to!" 

 Tango walked over to Stress. " I heard my name being called? " 

 "O-oh sorry, we were talking about group activities." Cleo forced a smile.

 "I see, well we have only four days left of camp. Let's make these days count!" He said cheerfully.

 That cheerfulness didn't sound so real anymore.

Stress and Cleo nodded their heads in agreement.


Dinner rolled around and they ate in silence avoiding each other. 

 "Goodnight." Stress harshly spoke before heading to her tent. Cleo followed after, and that left Tang sitting in front of the fire.

 " Ar...Arson? Arson. " He smirked. 

Tango got out a torch and used the campfire for fire. He made sure Stress and Cleo were sleeping. Tango jammed the zipper of Stress's tent.

The hermit pulled the tent into an open area and set the tent on fire. He watched as the tent slowly burned trapping a helpless Stress inside. 

Shrieks and calls for help were heard from the tent. Slowly, they died out, bringing back the silent and "peaceful" night.


Cleo was alone.

 "N-no... Please tell me this is a joke!" She pleaded. Cleo stood outside the charred tent and looked inside. All there was, was a pile of ash. 

 " I'm all alone... I'm all alone! " She screamed.

Tango was silently listening on what was happening. 

"Perfect." He smirked. 

(Lots of smirking I know. Cause I can't find other words to use T^T)


Stress opened her eyes. She was in a small dark room.

Stress trembled and started to shake. It felt as if the walls were closing in on her. 

She was having a panic/anxiety attack. (I don't remember which one it was)

The hermit gasped for air as she tucked her knees into her chest. 


Joe looked around and found another room? 

He definitely knew that wasn't there before. Joe began to walk closer to the door, and found himself reaching for the handle. When he opened the door, he found Stress.

Small sobs escaped her as Joe quietly walked closer to her. 

He knew right away that she was having a panic/anxiety attack.

"Can I touch you?" He asked.

Stress hesitated before nodding her head.

"Remember, breath in four, breath out four." Joe guided.

Joe slowly put his arms around Stress. She flinched at the touch at first, but then soon gave in. 

He rubbed soothing circles into her back while talking to her.

 "Lets get out of this room." Joe spoke softly.

 Stress nodded in agreement, and let Joe lead her out.

(I cry... I did some research and I'm still so confuse. I'm sorry if it doesn't seem real.)

Joe led her out of the room and into the large never-ending white room.

Mumbo and Grian noticed Stress, and walked up to her. 

 "Are you okay?" Grian asked.

 Stress nodded her head. She smiled a little bit at Joe. 

"Thank you." she mouthed.

In all honesty, she was worried more about Cleo.


Cleo faced the tent. 

"I'll see you soon i guess..."

She looked at the tent before heading down to the lake. Cleo washed up and marched up back to the campsite. 

The hermit sighed.

Today was going to be longer than she expected.




It turned out longer than I expected it to be.

Sorry, I'm not good with depicting panic attacks.

Also, thank you for 2.2k reads!

Whenever I start a chapter, I just keep writing.

I dunno how. 

I had writers block but umm...

I made a 700 word thing instead.


I guess I'm that talented...

Anyways, goodnight, good evening, or good morning.


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