I dunno what to name this chapter lol

490 14 3

False sighed. 

It was around 3:45, and she couldn't sleep.

She got out of bed and tossed on her coat. 

False stepped outside in the cold autumn air, shivering slightly.

She felt very peaceful in that situation, ignoring everything that was happening around her, only focusing on the sounds of wind.

So much so, she didn't hear the sounds of footsteps heading her way.

The person running at her tackled her to the ground and laid on top of False.

A second weight was added after that confusing False even more.

 "Who are you?" False questioned, sounding very confused.

The two people giggled.

 "Stress? Cleo?" False asked, very fond of the two's giggles.

 " Suprise! " They say in unison.

 "What are you doing up this late?" False asked.

 " I could ask you the same question. " Stress says not moving from her position.

 "Well I-" False started.

 "Shhh- let's just enjoy this moment for a minute, then we can go back to your base and cuddle." Cleo chuckled DETERMINED to keep False in the position as long as possible. 

(*cough* referencetowhyimgoneaswell *cough*)

"Fine" She grumbled annoyed, but secretly loving the affection she was getting.


The End

Sorry for the short chapter ;-;

Next one is probably going to be angst 

See ya later, BAi!

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