This was supposed to be a school assignment but it got too dark holy hecc

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As the title suggests, I was supposed to write a story about an island that was sold to you for 5 dollars, and I started writing and it got dark.

I can't publish it to my school assignment thing cause my teachers will worry so uh, here you go-

This doesn't really have a specific person for it, so I guess imagine whoever you want it to be.


- Death
- Uh just horror stuff I guess
- I don't know what else to put for warnings except it's creepy
- bodies???

Uh I guess this is what it costs to write mostly angst-

They looked at the small island surrounded by fog that continued to grow the more they got near. It was a large piece of land that was only sold to them for five dollars. But why five dollars? Was there something wrong with the island? Was it haunted? They shuddered at the thought. There was a house on the island built for the resident living there, himself. It would be a quiet place where they would go to, to enjoy the peace and quiet as they studied marine life around the area.

As he stepped off onto the island, the boat that once carried them there disappeared into the fog. The island felt colder, damper than the surrounding pieces of land. Maybe that was the reason it was sold at such a low price.

The wind howled as they got closer and closer to the house, temperature dropping as they walked nearer and nearer. He shivered, hoping to find a heater inside. As they reached the house, they reached out for the doorknob only to realize the door was locked. He hadn't been given a key, and there seemed to be no sight of a keyhole anywhere.

The construction workers said the house was built a week before they arrived, but it looked worn down as if someone had been living there years ago. He was told there were two doors one in the front and the back, yet they were told they weren't allowed to enter and exit through the back door. Why build a door if you weren't allowed to use it? However, he followed the instructions and didn't touch the back door. They had to get in or else they'd freeze to death.

Something shaped like a key glistened in a gap in the side of a door with a note which was folded up. They gently picked up the key and the note. When they unfolded the note, there were only six words written on it.

"He who enters shall never leave"

He stared at the note for a long while, reading each word carefully. It sounded like a curse. Was it a curse? He would never know. Would they be stuck there forever? It seemed like he'd be there forever. They would escape. The boat would come for them. The boat would come to pick them up by the end of the week. They would get back home safely. He'd be okay. The island wasn't cursed. No, it wasn't cursed. Was it?

He stumbled backward, head spinning. His vision was going fuzzy as they stabled themselves on a rock. Surely this note was just a big joke right? Nothing would happen if they entered the house. Nothing would happen if they entered the back door. Nothing. Would. Happen.

He shakily got back up fumbling with the key in his hands. They spotted the back door and stumbled onto it. They used the door as support letting out a breath of air. The silver key shimmered in the moonlight. Had it gotten dark that fast?

He quickly placed the key into the keyhole and twisted it, hearing a click. The door was open. They rushed inside slamming the door shut locking it. They closed their eyes afraid of what they might see. Maybe this was why the island was sold for five dollars. No, no, no. What he was thinking had to be wrong. This island wasn't haunted.

He forced his eyes open, them adjusting to the insides of the dark house. It seemed pretty normal apart from the old worn down furniture. They would have to stay the night there. They silently crawled onto the couch shivering. The inside of the house felt colder than the outside.

Just as they were about to fall asleep, footsteps echoed throughout the house. Their eyes shot wide open scanning the room for anything out of the ordinary. They held their breath hoping whoever was there would leave. But the footsteps only seemed to grow louder, and louder, and louder.

Until it stopped.

His heart pounded in his chest loud enough you could almost hear it, but a few minutes later the thing that was making the footsteps seemed to disappear. Then their breathing hitched as they felt the space next to him dip with weight.

Two cold hands were placed onto his shoulder. They weren't human hands though. The fingers were long and skinny with the ends being pointy and sharp.

He felt the fingers creeping up his neck, pressing into the flesh. Before he knew it, two hands were squeezing his throat closed.

He gasped for air trying to pry the hands off of himself. They clawed at the fingers which only caused the creature to tighten their grip more. He soon felt his vision blurring, his limbs going limp.

When he woke up he was strapped into an operating table, bloody knives set on the table beside him. He knew something bad was going to happen. They panicked trying to get off of the table realizing his hands and feet were cuffed to the table. They looked around and saw that the creature was gone for now.

Then he noticed it.

He discovered bodies laid neatly out for him to see. Their eyes dull, their flesh looking a sickly gray colour. His gaze lingered on their expressionless faces as his eyes drifted down to their stomachs. He gagged at the sight of the large incision on their stomachs, stitched back together with yarn, stuffing falling out of the poorly stitched cut.

They were made to be like dolls.

He shifted his gaze away from the bodies onto the mirror above them. Words messily written in blood spelled out;

"Welcome to your new home where you'll live forever :)"

And then he saw it.

Two glowing red eyes in the mirror.

The creature was back.

In the hand of the creature was a knife with his name on it. He turned to face the creature which loomed over him, knowing he'd be soon turned into a doll like the others. They screamed out for help to no avail. Nobody was around. He'd die alone in a cold, dark, house.

The note they had read flashed in his mind.

"He who enters shall never leave"

Nobody could leave because they'd all be here on this island as dolls forever.

Sorry uh it got dark and I really didn't mean to get this dark-

Also I forgot about the 1 year anniversary for this book so idk what to do.

Also also, if you're wondering I can't do the assignment again as it's already pst the due date...

Anyways, See ya later, BAi!

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