Thank You.

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Hey, this will be the last chapter.

Alright! That about sums it up :) If you haven't seen Hermittpad recap, I definitely recommend you read it. And I'm sad to say, that I will be leaving the community :( the oneshot-ish book will be put to rest (finally), and I think I won't be writing for a while. That's probably a lie though.

I have been debating putting down the book, as I thought "Huh, I'm going to come back to this" but that doesn't seem like the case. The HermitCraft/Hermittpad community was lovely in general, but I no longer find interest in it.

I really enjoyed my stay even if it was only for a year. It was such a nice community. I know my writing slowed down this year, and you could probably see that I no longer had any motivation to write. Though all things must come to an end. This included. This has probably been the longest fandom I've been in considering I only stay for around half a year before I leave.

Uhm, I've moved on to different fandoms, I'm sorry. I hope you had a fun time reading my trashy HermitCraft stories haha. Thank you for 28k reads, and for over 600 (what the frick) votes, I'm going to miss this community.

I just want to thank ausforyou , they're one of the reasons I kept writing. Thank you so much. I really don't know how to say it, but that small boost gave me enough energy to continue writing.

Thank you to everyone who continuously read my fics.

Thank you to for the year and a bit I've stayed here. You all helped raise my confidence up a little bit more. I'm... I'm so happy. I don't know how to phrase it better haha...

You all saw the slow progress as my writing became a little bit better (I guess) slowly by slowly. Thank you for continually supporting me whenever I went on hiatus for a long amount of time.

Oh yeah I also give permission to continue any series that ended. Most of them are fairly open-ended (especially Discovery) so yeah, do what you want.

Frick this makes me so sad. Well at least it ended on chapter 69 (for me at least lmao, 10 drafts-)

And for the last time,

Anyways, See ya later, BAi!

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now