Flowers Kill

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Wow... We made it already to the 50th chapter!

I dunno how you still read these-

But in Jelly fashion, I have no clue what to do with the ending of murderer lol

But I really wanted to do a Hanahaki thing with the one and only grumbo.

Anyways, here ya go.


Grian walked through the crowded streets of downtown. It was raining, and like the forgetful man he was, he forgot his umbrella.

As the rain kept pouring down, the young man ran. He was going to get a cold staying out here for this long.

Grian stepped into the house soaked with rain water.

"Hey Grian!" Someone called out to him.

"Oh hey Mumbo!" He smiled as he spoke.

"How are you?" Mumbo asked.

"Oh you know, doing absolutely amazing being soaked with water and all that. " Grian replies sarcastically.

"You might get sick! Hurry and dry yourself!" Mumbo exclaimed rushing Grian into the bathroom.

"You know, I know where the bathroom is." He giggled.

Mumbo chucked some clothes at Grian, then left the bathroom. Grian grinned at the man who made his heart flutter.

"I think I love him." He smiled softly. Grian felt tightness in his chest, almost as if something was wrapping around his heart/chest.

"Probably just my body saying he doesn't lik-" He coughed violently, and squeezed his eyes shut due to the immense pain.

Grian felt something small and soft fall from his lips. It landed onto his hand, causing him to open his eyes. There in his hand,  laid a single petal of a Piccadilly rose, Mumbos favourite flower.

"What is this...?" He slowly moved the flower petal closer to his eyes. It was in a vibrant shade of orangey-yellow.

Grian covered his mouth with his hand, in disbelief of what had just happened.

"Flowers? But why? "

He changed clothes into dry ones, and left the bathroom both scared and confused.

Mumbo heard the violent coughs and stopped him at the door. "Are you okay? Are you sick?" He asked worried. Even though they've only known each other for a year, they were best friends.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. I guess I just got a little sick. It probably was from the rain. It's nothing to worry about Mumbo." He reassured the hermit.

Mumbo was feeling uneasy about the situation, but let it go. He walked back to the living room and turned on the T.V.

Grian breathed a sigh of relief. He made sure Mumbo wasn't looking, then ran into his room, and locked the door.

Grian pulled out his phone, and called Xisuma about the situation.

"Hello?" Grian whispered into the microphone.

"Hey Grian!"

"I have to ask you about something."

"What is it?"

"Lets say, a person just coughed up a flower. What happened then?"

"..." There was silence for a few seconds before Xisuma spoke up again. "The person probably has something called Hanahaki disease."

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