That One Fight (4) END

826 18 55

Trigger warning:

Self harm (please don't ever do this)


 "Cub, is the second note ready?" Scar questioned.

 "Yes, hopefully this stops Iskall from trying as well."


Iskall got the letter from both Grian and Mumbo. He carefully opened up Mumbos and read it.

 "Iskall! Stop trying to bring us back together! We're done!"

Iskall tore open the second letter.

 "Iskall these are MY problems. Stop trying to get in the way of them. Stop trying to solve them for me. Stay out of them."

 Iskall stared in shock. He called Ren and told him about the situation.

 "Do you think they both.... Hate me?" He asked.

 "Of course not Iskall! Remember, it was probably ConCorp who sent those." Ren muttered.

Iskall smiled weakly to himself. At least he had someone to call in case something happened.


Mumbo slowly walked outside of his base. It has been a week since he last came out. 

The hermit inhaled, just as something hit his face.

"Another letter?" He whispered. 

The hermit was correct. In the bottom right corner laid a name. 


Mumbo opened the letter only to find another hate note.

"Stop sending me letters!" He shouted angrily.

He tore up the letter and stomped on the pieces. Mumbo wrote another note to Grian. His anger blinded all his other emotions, completely ignoring how Grian would feel.

"I hate him so much!"


Grian was finally able to calm down a bit. He curled his mailbox, and found the letter from Mumbo.

The letters were all in messy handwriting, which was very uncommon.

"Grian. Stop sending me letters! It's annoying me! I wish I was never friends with you! I wish we would have never met! I wish you never joined this server! I wish you were dead!"

 Grian choked trying to hold back tears. It was true, he has sent letters trying to apologize to Mumbo.

"It's clear that everyone hates me anyway." He mumbled. " Mumbos right. I'm a burden to this server after all. I should have never joined. It would have been better if I was dead. "

He ran into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Grian got out his razor (shaving thing), and popped out the blade that was on the inside.

"For Mumbo." He muttered before he sliced into one of his wrists. He winced slightly at the pain, but kept going. "Look at me now! Mumbo would be so proud of me!" He said whilst cutting deeper into his skin.

He watched as the blood trickled down his arm. Grian pulled his sleeves to cover them up. 

He looked into the mirror once again.

"I'm a bad friend. A burden to life. A bad person."

He slid down the bathroom walls as Grian felt himself slipping out of consciousness.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now