Looped (7) END

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It's been a while T^T

I didn't know what to write.

I guess enjoy?


Cleo sat in her tent looking up into space. 

"Stress, I promise to avenge you." She whispered.


Tango was sitting down in his tent. 

 "Cleo, Cleo, Cleo... You're going to be a fun one to kill." 

 He wrote a note, and left it outside Cleos tent. Tango grabbed his axe and headed towards the woods.


Cleo went outside to grab some food. She noticed the note and picked it up.

 "I'm going to chop some firewood, can you come help? I'm at the opening of the forest, to your left. Grab an axe and meet me there!" 

 " I know this is a set-up. " She grumbled.

Cleo grabbed her axe anyways, and headed towards the woods.


Once Cleo arrived at the entrance, Tango waved her over. They chatted amongst themselves, until they reached a clearing in the forest.

 Cleo paused. "I have to ask you something."

 Tango nodded signaling she could ask her question.

 " Why? "

 "Why what?"

 "Why kill innocent people Tango?" She blurted out.

 Tango chuckled. "I'm afraid you know too much." He said while throwing his axe at Cleo.

 Cleo was able to throw her axe at him, before falling to the ground. She watched as the axe hit Tango straight in the chest. He fell to the floor, as her consciousness slipped.


Mumbo woke up in his room. 

He checked his phone, and sure enough, Grian had texted him.

"Cleo died. One hour." 

 Mumbo nodded at the text, and got ready. 


Grian came over a hour later and picked up Mumbo. 

This time, they were going to pick everyone up, and drive to Tango's house.


Once everyone was picked up, they drove to Tangos house.

*ding dong*

Tango opened the door.

 "I thought you weren't supposed to be here for another hour?" He asked confused.

 " We-" Mumbo started. 

"We have to talk to you." Stress cut.

Tango hesitantly nodded his head as he let them into his house.

 "So, what did you need to talk to me about?" He pondered.

 Jevin went behind Tango and tied his hands and feet to the chair.

 "What? Why are you doing this?"

 " We know you have something to do with the loops Tango. " Joe spoke.

Tango still looked as confused as ever.

 "You know, we're not that dumb." Iskall sighed.

 Tango gave up his act, and smiled up at them.

"You're right. I did have some thing to do with the loops."

"Tell us what you know,I know this isn't you Tango. Where is the real Tango?" Grian circled around him.

 "Tango is dead. Loops can only be stopped by one thing, and that thing is me." Tango laughed as a cloud of black smoke engulfed him.

When the most smoke passed, he was gone from his seat.

"Where did he go?" Cleo panicked.

"I'm right here." A voice called from behind them.

The hermits turned around and got into a fighting stance.

Tango took his place and they began fighting.

[Insert epic battle scene here]

Joe got a good enough place to attack. He got his dagger and ran at Tango. He jumped, and stabbed Tango's heart. 

Tango fell to the floor, as he coughed up blood.

Tango weakly chuckled before going limp.

" Do you think we killed him? " Grian questioned.

A puff of black smoke arose from Tango. The smoke revealed a demon type thing that had "Tîmë" written in white. 

"Good job on killing your friend Joe." The creature said as it disappeared.

Joe and Stress both kneel beside Tango. Jevin walked up behind them and tickled Tango.

Tango started to stir, and he laughed weakly.

"Hey... What happened?" He said, slurring his words.

"Nothing of importance for now." Joe said while he helped Stress carry him to his bedroom.

The rest of the hermits nodded in satisfaction. They could finally enjoy their camping trip, and no longer have to be worried about being



Here's a happy ending.

Thank you for reading Looped!

I'm now going to go on a 2-3 week hiatus.

Writers block sucks, and that's one of the reasons that I'll be going away for longer.

Thank you for sticking with this book for- A MONTH? 

That's crazy to think about.

Anyways, I'll see you soon.


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