Made To Hate (2)

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Mentions of the tiniest bit of blood.


Neflare spent the rest of the thinking.

 "Cub and Scar should be finished right now." She mumbled. At that exact moment, the machine powered on.

 "What great timing!"


Mumbo stared off into the distance. He looked at his hands, his very own hands that killed his best friendMumbo silently sobbed, and soon those sobs turned into full on crying.

*blitzz* ₣łⱠɆ ₵ØⱤⱤɄ₱₮ɆĐ

Mumbos tears stopped immediately and began working on the next machine. His next target? Iskall.

What it feels like being corrupted:

Mumbo was back in this black room again. He was strapped into a chair, forced to watch the screen in front of him. Every time he tried turning his head, the invisible bonds would tighten. 

He was forced to watch everything he did.

He watched as he built a monster of a machine.

Mumbo never asked for this. It just happened.


Joe stared at his sword, covered in Stress's blood. He felt terrible. He killed his friend.

The hermit tossed the sword, and stared at the ceiling. When he came back from his trance, his friend was dead. He tried giving her poitions, but she was gone for good.


Cub and Scar waited for the machine to finish. It created a large tornado in under a few minutes.

They were going to destroy the whole server.

*corruption room*

"Look over there Cub!" Scar yelled.

 When they were created, Neflare forgot to add the tightening binds.

 "There are more people there!" Scar pointed at Mumbo and Joe.

The two walked up to them.

 "Do you need help?" 

 The pair nodded quickly. Scar and Cub tried to free them, but the bonds were too strong. They only kept tightening when they tried.

Joe winced. That was the cue for the hermits to stop.

 "I'm sorry, I don't think we can free you" Scar looked down at his feet"

 "Th-that's okay..." Mumbos voice trailed off. " at least you tried. "

Scar and Cub found the room disappearing.

They were back in the server. Cub bent his fingers and saw that he was back in control. 

When they looked up, there was a tornado. Not just any tornado, a potion effected tornado. Since they were close, they felt the wither effect. It feels like something is eating you.


Mumbo texted Iskall.

 Mumbo: I just finished with my redstone, can you come check it over?

Iskall: I'll be there in a minute!

Iskall arrived at Mumbos base and waited. He sat down at a table Mumbo built.

The well suited man sat down at his spot.

 "What did you build?"


Mumbo pulled a lever that was under the table. Iskalls chair disappeared and was replaced by a hole.

The hermit fell into the hole. He heard something above him and slowly looked up. TnT was pouring from the sky. Iskall waited for the impact.


TnT landed and exploded on Iskall.

He sharply gasped before more TnT exploded on top of him.

Iskall85 was killed by an explosion.



Rip. Iskall died two chapters in a row.

What is this...

Mumbo is too evil.

Cub and Scar released a tornado. 

The hermits are going to die.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now