Who Is Poultry Man? (4) END

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"I-i." Grian fell into his knees. "I-it was m-my fault." He curled up into a ball and started crying.

Poultry man came flying in.

 "Do you realize your mistake? What happens when you don't obey me? " he questioned.

Grian nodded his head slowly. 

"Then I expect this to be finished by the end of the day. You already know what happens when you don't. " Joe tossed the smaller hermit the blueprints.

Joe left afterwards. Grian got up to his feet and started making the trap. 


"You are so foolish Grian. So Foolish."

Joe paced around the room.

"Once he's finished, Mumbo will be next. I have to keep Grian alive for the traps. He could burn.... Or maybe Mumbo could drown? Now I don't have any use of Tango, let's let him free. "

"Don't tell anyone else about this or else you're dead. Just like Xisuma."

Tango nodded and headed towards his base.


Grian: Mumbo. I have to talk to you. Now.

Mumbo: Is it that improtant?

Grian: Mumbo! Please!

Grian put his phone down. He wasn't going to let anyone else die.


"Grian! I'm here! Now tell m-" Mumbo called.

Grian cut Mumbo off. "Shhhh we don't want him to overhear.

"Who's him? " 

"Poultry man."

" What? If you came here to pra-"

"Listen. Poultry man killed Iskall and Xisuma. "

"And you're telling me this because?"

"Because poultry man is Joe! Joe is going to kill me if he found out I told you. Please don't tell anyone else!" Grian begged.

Mumbo nodded. "But why would Joe do this? I thought he was only doing this for the pranks?"

"I don't know, but you have to be extra careful okay? "

"I will Grian. If you're so worried about me, you can sleep over at my base tonight. " (platonicly, and if someone says this is grumbo, I will personally come find you and kill you.)

Grian smiled and agreed. He waved Mumbo goodbye and finished the trap poultry man asked to build.


"I believe you are finished?"

"Yes Joe..."

"Great. Now don't tell anyone about this."

Grian reluctantly nodded.

Joe left and Grian got his stuff ready for the *ahem* PLATONIC sleepover.


(A little bit of fluff FINALLY)

"Mumbo! I'm here!" 

The sun was setting to set as Grian made his way into Mumbos base. It was like Grians second home; somewhere he would go to relax.

Mumbo walked down from his bedroom door in his pajamas. 

"Over here!" Mumbo waved.

Grian followed him up to his bedroom and laid on Mumbos couch.

 "Grian, you can take the bed you know. "

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