Made To Hate (3) END

470 10 45


"Suicide", blood, character deaths


Neflare stared at the server.

"Mumbo is getting very boring... Maybe we could switch it up a bit?" She grinned. "Maybe... False? "


Mumbo felt darkness dissolve around him. He let out a shaky breath (being tied up tightly messed with your respiratory system (no duh)).

 He looked around in search of Iskalls body hoping what he saw wasn't true. Of course it was true. Iskall was laid in the pit, dead. He killed both of the architects.

Mumbo: False... I killed Grian and Iskall.

False: What? Why? When? I'm coming over there!

Mumbo: False! I only told you this so you could warn other people! Don't come here!

A few minutes pass, and no response. 


False: Too late. I'm already outside your door.

Mumbo heard knocking on his bedroom door. He let her in.

"False! I told you not to come here! That thing is going to make me kill you! Or maybe it's going to make you kill me!"

"What do you me-"

*blitzz* ₣łⱠɆ ₵ØⱤⱤɄ₱₮ɆĐ

A grin spread across False's face as she took out her bow.

"No... It got you! I'm too late." Mumbo shuddered.

False took her aim at his leg. Mumbo wasn't fast enough and it hit him. He collapsed onto the ground. The arrow went straight through his leg, piercing the flesh. Blood trickled down his leg, as he desperately tried to stand up.

"False please!" He begged.

The hermit just stood there grinning like a madman. 

 "Goodbye Mumbo. You've served your purpose."

False shot a poison tipped arrow straight into Mumbos head. 

"Please. Don't kill anyone else." He whispered before falling onto the ground with a thud.

Mumbojumbo was shot to death by Falsesymmetry


"Now I have no use of False. Let's get rid of her."


False went up into the highest point of Mumbos base.

"This isn't high enough... Plus there's water here."

She flew over to the shopping district where she stood on the building of Sahara. She's took off her elytra before stepping close to the edge.

"Goodbye False" she whispered before tipping over gently. She began falling... 

False snapped into reality. She was going to die. The hermit yelled loudly before hitting the ground. The world around her began to dissolve into nothingness.

Falsesymmettry died from falling


The controlled Cub and Scar were back. Somehow they were immune to the wither effect. They were putting finishing touches to the machine. The two turned it on and watched as the whole world slowly dissolve.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now