All I Wanted Was A Happy Ending

507 16 21

I saw this prompt on Tumblr somewhere and decided to write a story for it.


- Major character death

- Suicide

Ship: I guess Architects


"All I wanted was a happy ending."

Grian stood on the other side of the railing. Under him, a fall that would lead to his death.

He closed his eyes.

"How did I get here in the first place?" He chuckled, a single tear rolling down his cheek .


It was a normal afternoon like always. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Except for one small thing.

Something had gone wrong at Sahara.

It smelled like something was burning when Grian first arrived at Sahara, but he brushed it off as something that Mumbo or Iskall was doing.

He decided to text them just in case.

Grian: hey guys are you working on Sahara?

Iskall: no?

Mumbo: no, why do you ask?

Grian: something smells like its burning here, so can you come and make sure everything's ok?

Mumbo: okay

Iskall: I'll be there as well

Grian tossed his phone aside a bit worried. He went to grab some stuff to stock Sahara with while waiting for the other two guys to show up.

"Grian! We're here!" Iskall called out.

Grian ran upstairs, and told them that something smelled as if it were burning somewhere from the redstone.

"Maybe the burning smell is coming from the warehouse?" Mumbo said to Iskall.

"Let's go check then, Grian you stay here."

Grian nodded, and watched as Mumbo and Iskall headed towards the warehouse.

He hummed in content as he felt safer with them assessing the situation.

It had been almost an hour, but they still hadn't come back.

Grian wondered what they were up to so he decided to go to the warehouse.

When he arrived there, he saw the pair still working and trying to figure out the problem.

Grian stayed hidden while watching the two work fascinated on how redstone worked.

He sat down and leaned his head against the wall, feeling a little tired.

Another hour or so passed, when Grian heard a yell which woke him up instantly.

"-MBO NO-!"

Grian jumped awake to Iskall yelling, then nothing.

An explosion was heard in the next 30 seconds, Grian horrified as Mumbo and Iskall were still inside the building.

"MUMBO! ISKALL! ARE YOU OKAY?" Grian yelled.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now