Looped (3)

426 11 43

"T-tango? What he-happened to je-jevin?" Stress asked worryingly.

Tango had the same worried expression.

 "We were canoeing, and suddenly.... Suddenly the currents picked up! I was so scared... The boat flipped over, and I was lucky enough to swim to shore. I-i don't know what happened to... T-to Jevin though."

 Grian, Mumbo, Stress, Joe, and Tango looked all over the beach for Jevin. 

 "Jevin's here!" Joe yelled. All the hermits ran up to Jevin.

He had cuts along his body, and his skull was dented. His leg was dangling by a small piece of flesh.

 "I don't think this was done by a wave." Mumbo muttered.


When they got to the campsite, they are breakfast (as usual).

"Grian! We have to leave! I'm telling you! It's for the sake of our sanity!" Joe barked.

Grian shook his head. "Sorry Joe, I already told you."

Joe stomped off in the direction of Stress. Grian put his face in his hands. Mumbo came behind Grian and clapped his hand on the others shoulder.

"Rough day?"

" Yeah. Everyone keeps dying, and we can't back out now. "

Tango walked to the other side of Grian. 

"Its not that bad." Tango mumbled.

" It is for me! They think it's me who killed them! Everyone hates me! " Grian exclaimed.

"Why would they frame it in you? Your one of the kindest people I know, and not everyone hates you." Mumbo soothed.

" I-i just wish no one dies again. It's always blamed on me, and I hate it. "


Night fell quickly. All of the hermits were gathered around the fire. What used to be eight people shrunk down to five.

They roasted marshmallows, as they told funny stories amongst each other, trying to lift the spirits. Grian was tuckered out so he went to bed early. Stress followed shortly after. Mumbo stayed up with Tango and Joe observing them closely.

"Are you okay Mumbo? You seem to be staring at us quite a bit. Anyone could mistake you as the murderer." Tango laughed.

"Oh sorry. I just keep spacing out." He replied. It was true to some extent, but he was mostly looking out for signs of murderers. 

Mumbo silently left as they started talking again. He was tired, and didn't have enough motivation to keep his body going for the night.


"No... Joe.... Is he dead?" Grian whispered.

Stress shifted around awkwardly in her spot.

Joe was in the fire, burnt alive. His clothes were blackened, and his skin was the same shade of charcoal. Only half of his body remained untouched, but the burns were severe enough to kill him.

"Tango... I saw you out with him last night. Did you shove him in?" Mumbo questioned.

"What! Why are you blaming me? I left after you left! Joe told me himself that he would put out the fire! " Tango defended himself.

"At least there's only three more days including today. " Grian mumbled. 

Eating breakfast was difficult for the four of them. It was the same routine. Eat, activites, eat, as gather around, sleep, a person dies, wake up, repeat.

"Since today I have nothing planned, do whatever." Grian dismissed. 

Stress went to collect plants and herbs for lunch while Tango went fishing. 

"Do you think it's Tango?" Mumbo pondered.

" He keeps declining it, but I feel like it's him. " Grian whispered.

Mumbo frowned. "Tango wouldn't want to kill somebody, would he?"

" Its Tango. You never really know. "

"Who do you think... Might die tonight?" 

" I...I think it's going to be.... Me. " Mumbo quieted down. "I accused him, that makes me a threat to him."

"Don't say that Mumbo! It could be any one of us." Grian said while looking at Tango. "It might not even be Tango! It's probably one of the other blood-thirsty campers out there. " he pointed into the woods.


Dinner came. The air was so thick with tension, that you basically couldn't breath anymore. They only whispered short words or sentences awaiting what would happen.

"Stress, I need to talk to you. In private." Tango spoke.

Stress hesitantly agreed, and follows somewhere out of ear-shot.

"Lets follow her." Grian whispered.

Mumbo gave a short quick nod and crept around the corner.

Tango was holding his hand against Stress's mouth to keep her from yelling. I'm his other hand held a gun. 

"Goodnight Stress"


Stress was dead. Grian ran out towards her but Mumbo held him tightly. Mumbo accidentally stepped in on a twig.


Tango dropped Stress and looked towards Grian and Mumbo. He bring out two daggers and threw them at the two. Before The two hermits could even register what was happening, they were falling out of consciousness.

They last thing they heard was a evil laugh, then darkness engulfed the two.



That was really fun to write!

Hopefully you liked this chapter!

I got a ton of inspiration from 'The Hunger Games' (not directly).


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