Can't Go Back

669 19 17

So, I had this thought for a few years now, but I never considered to write it.

If you don't get what this is, I'll explain what the concept is at the end.

Also, I'm back

Slight Grumbo (Grian x Mumbo) here


Mumbo slowly arose from his sleeping postion. He checked the time. 


 "No, no, no- I told Grian i'd meet him at the cafe 5 minutes ago!" Mumbo mumbled.

 He got dressed, then ran to the cafe.


Grian nervously looked around the cafe. Mumbo still hadn't arrived yet.


 "So Grian... Canyoumeetmeatthecafeatthecornerofthestreetat12:25tomorrow?"

 Grian stared at Mumbo. 

 "I didn't quite catch that, Can you say that a bit slower?"

Mumbo blushed slightly before speaking again. " Do you- uh, want to go to the cafe tomorrow at 12:25, I mean you don't have to I just-"

"Sure!" Grian exclaimed. He smiled and waved Mumbo goodbye.

Flashback end

The chimes on the door rang as Mumbo tumbled inside. Grian snapped back into reality and waved Mumbo over. 

 "Hey Mumbo!" Grian smiled.

 "Hey Grian!" Mumbo smiled back. 

They talked and eventually left the cafe. The two hermits walked to the cinema and watched a movie.

Mumbo and Grian went around the shopping district buying random materials and enjoying each other's presence. 

"Hey you two!" Iskall called gliding down. "We have to check if the ordering system is still worki- are you two on a date?!? "He semi-yelled.

Both hermits blushed and covered their faces.

Ren flew down and clapped his hand on Iskalls shoulder.

"You owe me 10 bucks." He whispered.

" Fine... " Iskall grumbled reluctantly giving Ren his money. "Anyways, I won't bother you too much. Let's go Ren." 

Iskall disappeared off into the distance, Ren following shortly after.

The sun started to set as they made their last purchase. 

 "I have to show you something, follow me Grian..." Mumbo started heading to the forest.

 Grian obliged and followed him into the forest.

 "Where are we going?" Grian asked.

"You'll see. " Mumbo smiled. He pulled one of the branches back that covered a cliff. 

The cliff had a clearing, and the view of the sun was beautiful.

Grian stood in awe as he went to sit down. Mumbo sat next to him as they talked.

 "Would you like to go on another... Date with me again?" Mumbo quavered.

 "I would love to!" Grian giggled as he wrapped his arms around Mumbos waist.

Mumbo chuckled as he pat Grians head. 

Soon, night took over and they waved goodbye. Mumbo laid in his bed thinking of today. It was one of the best days in his life.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now