Passing 100 reads - a terrible poem by yours truly

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We did it! We passed 100 reads!


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Wow 100 reads?

Thats really new!

Thanks for reading,

We did it in two days,

I hope to never let you down,

I'm any possible way.

I'll keep posting,

As long as writers block doesn't hit,

This is something special,

That I would never miss.

We hit 90 in a day,

And 100 as well,

Thank you so much!

I wish you all well! (That didn't rhyme)

After one chapter,

I thought I lost all hope.

Its people like you guys,

Who make me see through smoke.

A milestone I never thought I would hit,

It has come straight for me,

Racing towards me,

and I died.

(You thought that would ryhme? No.)

For there are many chapters beyond this small milestone,

but without the readers,

I would be all alone.

So once again thank you for taking your time,

To read these stupid stories,

And poems that don't rhyme.

Thank you to authors,

Who inspire me the most,

To keep writing,

Even thought i've almost lost all hope.

But In all seriousness,

And jokes aside,

Thank you for taking your time,

It's been amazing along with you guys.


Thank you. No seriously. Who would be thought that in two days, me, just your average school girl, who absolutely doesn't know how to write books and stories reach 100 reads? That's crazy! I'm super thankful for this community. Some of these authors here, in this very app/website has inspired me to start writing. It wasn't until Ausforyou came along one day, and somehow gave me a small confidence boost. I'm really happy to say I can write for you guys. I know I'm not that big of a author, but even getting 10 reads was a milestone. Imagine coming to your profile and BAMM 100 reads. It BLOWS my mind that people actually read my writing. If I can make it to 100 reads (and pass that), anyone else can. I wasn't very keen on writing when I first started, but reading other people's work helped me improve b it by bit. I never thought I could make it this far, but here we are, me making you read this whole paragraph. I'm not that good of a.writer, but hopefully I get better, so.I can put.out better stories for you guys. I'm sorry this took so long to read.

~°~°~°~°~°Thank you for reading this book°~°~°~°~°~

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