Who Is Poultry Man?

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Mumbo woke up from his AFK session, only to be greeted with chickens surrounding him.

"Curse you poultry man!"

Mumbo raised his sword above his head, and slammed in down onto the chickens.

"Mr. Mumbo"


"You have violated chicken law 73926, the rule of killing harmless baby chickens."

Mumbo looked up to find poultry man sitting on top of his farm.

"For your mistakes, you have to egg the whole server this week. If you don't, there will be consequences." Poultry man replied.

Mumbo quickly nodded his head, and watched poultry man fly off into the distance.

A week later

Mumbo still hadn't egged the server. He really didn't think anything of it. He flew around after recording his latest hermitcraft video. He then saw poultry man sitting on his base again.

"Mumbo, I told you to egg the server  but you have not yet done that, care to explain?"

"Uhm, not really, I didn't think anything of it."

"You shall face the consequences soon" he boomed. 

All he left there was a very confused mumbo. "Maybe I should egg the server." 


 "Grian, is the work finished?" 

 " A-ah, ye-yes poultry m-man. " trembled a cowering grian.

 "Very well," the voice boomed. " I shall expect this to be done by tomorrow. " 

Grian got to work immediately. Redstone wasn't his strong suit, but he had to do this for his friends.



Grian had finished building his base. He was really proud of what he completed, when he saw a shadow zoom past his head. The person landed next to him. 

"Grian." They said sternly .

Grian whipped his head around. "Yes?"

" I need you to keep this secret. It's for the pranks. " The man in the chicken costume whispered.

Grian shuddered. "S-sure! As long a-as it's not going to hurt anyone..." His voice trailed off.

"Good!" The person spoke. They then proceeded to take off the mask. "This belongs between us alright?"

Grian stared, then thought for a bit. " what happens if I accidentally tell someone? "

"We can't have that happening, so naturally, they will perish." 

Grian gulped. "I thought this was only for the pranks! " 

"Ahh, now that was what we were after, weren't we? The pranks" 

The other hermit nodded in fright.

 "But since you know my secret, we can't let you back out now, can we?" 

 " Y-yes. "

 "Good, now follow my orders before you get the end of this sword." Poultry man replied, while taking out his enchanted diamond sword.

 Grian squeaked in response before starting to build whatever poultry man requested - even the poultry cave, which took Grian months to build.

*end of flashback*


Grian shuddered at the memory and began working as fast as possible. Mumbo came to check up on him, and realized that Grian was covered in redstone dust.

 "I knew something was up." Mumbo grumbled .

"Heyyyy mumby jumby! What's up?" Grian asked.

" Why are you covered in redstone? That's unusual. " Mumbo replied.

"O-oh yeah!" Grian had to come up with a response, but struggled trying to say his excuse.

Mumbo laughed at his response clapping his hand on the other man. "Working on a mother trap I presume?"

Phew. "Yeah of course!" Grian said.


Who is poultry man exactly? 

Thank you for reading another one of my stories that I started! Special thanks to @ausforyou for being awesome in general, and for helping me on the powers/abilities at thingy. The next chapter for Discovery will be posted soon!

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