Discovery (4)

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This is basically a crossover between Discovery and Made to Hate.


Iskall was pricked to death


Everyone else on the server was really confused on why hermits kept going missing. They sent out a search party to search for them. They eventually landed on a small island. Zedaph, Tango, and Impulse went looking around when they found a lever. (I didn't even mean to put Z.I.T together. It just happened ;-;)

"Should we pull it?" Impulse asked.

 "That's just like someone asking " hello?" In a horror movie! If course we should pull it! " Zedaph replied sarcastically.

Tango pulled the lever.

"We can't just stand around here arguing all day! We have to find out what happened to the others!" 

The ground started shaking. The hermits stepped backwards. There was a hole in front of them. The men looked into it and found Iskalls dead body on top of a cactus. 

"D-do you th-think this i-is what happened to the o-others?" Tango stuttered.

"Stress! Joe! Jevin! We found Iskall! but... But he's dead!" Impulse exclaimed.

The other hermits in that area came over and took Iskalls body out of the hole.

"G-guys?" A familiar voice called.

Joe turned around and saw Grian laying in the floor.

"H-help me..." His voice trailed off.

Joe picked him up and headed towards Grians base. Stress followed straight after.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mumbo practiced his abilities. For some reason it was really easy for him to memorize stuff, after being a spoon for a while.

"Huh... Strange..."

Mumbo got a call from Stress.

" Mumbo! Iskalls dead and Grian is dying! Joe and I are on our way to his base! Meet us there!" Stress hung up on the other hernit.

Mumbo flew over straight away to Grians base after hearing what happened.

"Grian! Are you okay? I heard that..." His voice trailed off.

"That Iskall is dead? " Grian coughed.

 "Yeah... That..." He looked down at his feet before sitting down.

 "At least I'm still here... " 

Mumbo watched as Stress worked her magic (literally), but something felt a bit odd.

"What happened that night?" Mumbo pointed at Grians back.

" Funny thing actually... I was lead to believe you were being held captive." Grian chuckled.

"Mumbo, can you get the bandages?" Stress asked.

Mumbo stood up and accidentally brushed against Stress.


He got the bandages and started wrapping Grians hand. Grian flexed his fingers.

"Grian! Your hands not healed yet! You shouldn't move it! Stress did the best she could, even so, don't move!" 

"But my hand feels fine. " Grian shrugged. He took off the bandages, and sure enough, the cuts were gone.

Mumbo and Joe were baffled. Stress stood in the corner observing Mumbo and Grian.

 "Let me help you up..." Mumbo lowered his hand.

Grian got up and starting marching around the place.

"You still shouldn't walk around, Grian!" Mumbo yelled.

Grian stretched out his wings and began flying around. He flew gracefully until a small gust of wind hit Grian. The small hermit was tumbling backwards. Grian tried to rebalance, but he couldnt.  He was falling.

"Joe! Stress! Mumbo! " he called out.

Mumbo reacted, and started heading towards Grian. When he jumped, he felt a tickling sensation behind his back. He caught Grian and braced for impact, however that never came. He looked down and noticed he was flying?

"Stress? Can you tell me about what's happening? " Mumbo asked.

"It seems your aura is fusing with Grians somehow." She stated.

"Is that normal?" 

" No. Something is wrong with your ability. We should keep you somewhere safe for now. " Stress told Mumbo.

Mumbo though a bit then agreed. He wasn't going to let someone get hurt because of him.

"You'll only be there for a week or so." Stress stated.

Joe informed the rest of the hermits on the server to build Mumbo a small hut.

Mumbo thanked Stress and Joe for their help and retreated back into his base to gather up stuff for his hut. He soon fell asleep.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Mumbo opened his eyes and was met with darkness. There was light in the distance and there also was a person. The hermit went in the direction of the light and listened to what the giant said.

"I have bad feelings about Stress." Boomed Xenolus. "I wonder if my no-good sister Neflare got her hands on Stress. " 

Xenolus stared off into the distance watching the hermits build the hut.

"And Mumbo.... I don't know what happened when I created you. You seem special... "



The next morning  Jelly here! I corrected some things. I also realized I shouldn't be writing when I'm half asleep. BAi!

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