Looped (5)

396 7 53


I may or may not have made it so I had two breaks in a row...

No, but seriously, I didn't expect it align.

I'm sorry


Joe shook Mumbo awake.

"Gah!" He awoke from his slumber.

" Look! " Joe pointed at Grian.

Mumbo nodded and slowly took a step closer and inspected Grian.

His eyes were glossy, and he had a knife that impaled his stomach.

A few seconds later, his eyes were back to normal.

"W-what happened? Where a-am I?" Grian said while panicking.

" I don't know.... I think it's where we go after we die in this he loop. " Mumbo explained briefly.

"What happened?" Joe asked.

"I had no control of myself, I think I might have... " Grian hesitated before speaking again. "Killed myself." (Again, don't do this.)

Mumbo and Joe looked shocked.

Grian carefully removed the knife embedding his heart, and tossed it over to the side. The knife disappeared without a trace.

 Grian cleared his throat. "At least everyone else is fine. Tango is DEFINITELY behind all of this stuff." 

 Joe nodded his head slowly.

 "I don't want to believe it, but I know it was Tango." Joe whispered.


 "We can't keep staying with Tango! He's going to kill us!" Jevin harshly whispered to Stress.

 A shriek was heard in the distance.

Jevin, Stress, and Cleo ran to the person.

 It was Iskall. 

Iskall had a dagger stabbed into his forehead. Blood trickled down his face as he breathed. He slowly closed his eyes, and whispered something.

 "We were too late." Stress muttered.

 "At least when each of us die, we'll start this loop all over again." Cleo mumbled.


Iskall awoke in the white room. 

 "I'm sorry! I tried confronting Tango. Why did I do that? I can't do anything right!" Iskall silently sobbed.

 "It's okay. At least everyone else is fine." Joe smiled. 

While Joe was questioning what happened, Grian took out the dagger and took a closer look at it. It had a white handle, with swirls on the blades. Grian tossed it to the side and watched as it slowly dissolved.

"I hate Tango. " Grian grumbled.

After Iskall calmed down, Mumbo laid down and stared at the "ceiling". 

"I'm so bored. I wish we could get out of here!" Mumbo said in a bored tone.


Stress, Cleo, and Jevin were at the camp site talking to each other, on how to get rid of Tango.

 "The nets could still be useful for luring him in. We can interrogate him later." Cleo suggested.

 "But what happens if the same thing happens to us, like it did with Joe?" Stress questioned.

 "Do you think Iskall, Joe, Mumbo, and Grian all landed in the same white box?" Jevin asked. (literally out of NOWHERE)

 Stress shuddered at the thought. "Maybe." 

Stress hated the room. It always felt cramped and she was claustrophobic. (I'm not sure if this is cannon or not so....)

 "If we all die again, once we re-spawn, can we please all stick together? I don't want to be left alone. " Cleo begged. (I'm going to make her have monophobia. I also have this phobia along with many other weird ones. Monophobia is the fear of being alone.)

The other hermits nodded as they tried forming a plan. In the end, all they got was a half finished blueprint for a trap. Jevin stupidly left the blueprints outside. They bid each other goodnight and headed off to bed.


 "What do we have here?" Tango picked up the blueprints.

 He looked over their plans on how to turn him in.

 "Trying to turn me in?" He smirked. "You could never." He stabbed a dagger into the table.

 Tango got out an axe and headed towards Jevin's tent.


He swung the axe and it sliced through Jevin's head.

 "That will keep them from planning some more." Tango laughed before grabbing the blueprints. He sneakily went to his tent and planned his next murder. "I know how much Stress hated the white room, and how much Cleo hates being alone."

~ ~~

Jevin shook his head as light hit his eyes. 

Jevin stretched before getting to his feet. It took a while before he knew where he was.

"The white room, I don't believe it! That means, I'm dead..." Jevin checked his whole body and sure enough, there was an axe stuck in his neck.

"Joe? Iskall? Grian? Mumbo?" Jevin called.

Joe awoke from his slumber.


 "Can you help me get this axe out of my neck?" Jevin pleaded while pointing to his neck.

 "Sure. Just a second." Joe slurred his words as he slowly walked over to Jevin.

He pulled out the axe and forced Grian to hold it, that way it didn't disappear.

"I'll look at that later." The hermit mumbled before falling to the ground asleep.

~ ~~


This chapter is getting split into two! 

One (not really) today, and one tomorrow.

It's probably because I won't post on Monday.

Oh yeah!

where are some of my fears:

I'm afraid of:

- Looking at mirrors

- Cars that have people in them (drivers seat)

- Spiders (even though I want a pet tarantula)

- Being alone (*sad violin music starts playing*)

And the weirdest one:

- Basketballs. 

Don't ask.

if you have any weird fears, comment them! (Then I won't be alone. )

R.I.P. Best/Jelly __ to 2019

cause of death: embarrassment

Thanks for 1500 reads!

I'm tired now.

See ya later!


 900 words.



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