586 17 73

Woohoo! Grumbo!



Grian had to admit.

Mumbo had very impressive legs.

Ever since Grian first joined the server, Mumbos legs stood out to him.

Grian stared at the tall hermit who was finishing up the redstone for his next automatic farm, when Iskall came swooping in.

 "Hey Gria- OooOo... We're you checking out Mumbo~?" Iskall cooed.

 Grian jumped a foot in the air and turned to look at Iskall. 

 "Of course not! Why would I..."

 "Whatever you say Grian..." Iskall laughed.

 Grian rolled his eyes and hopped up next to the taller hermit. His legs went to around Grians ribs.

 "Mumbooooo what's taking so long? I thought we were going to the parkkk." Grian whined.

 "I'm almost done Grian, all I need to do is to connect this circuit to there, and done!" Mumbo stepped backwards forgetting Grian was standing there.

 Grian face-planted into Mumbos stomach.

"Ouch..." He groaned rubbing his forehead.

"Are you okay Grian? " Mumbo stepped backwards and crouched down a bit.

"Yeah I'm okay-" Grian flushed when he realised how close their faces were. He turned his head in attempted to cover his blushing face.

Mumbo flushed after realizing what just happened.

 "So... Are we going to the park now?" The taller asked.

"Oh- yeah!" Grian squeaked forgetting they were supposed to go to the park.

Iskall watched and grinned. He was going to get them together no matter what. He disappeared into the distance and planned stuff out.

Grian and Mumbo were chatting flying in the air to the park. They then had a race to the park, which unsurprisingly, Grian won.

Grian flew faster, and was able to get ice cream before Mumbo arrived. He sat down on a park bench and gestured Mumbo to sit down next to him.

He sat down and they had a small chat inching closer each time. 

The two hermits barley noticed how close they were, until Iskall pushed them together. 

Grian fell on top of Mumbo and ended up giving him a slight kiss on the lips.



This took me 3-4 days to write T^T


I had to go through so many different fluff scenes and it killed me.

Angst is probably next (finally!)

I also don't know when I'll be updating Mute

Thank you for this concept AUsforyou!

Edit: I need angst ideas ;-; 

Please, (if you have any ideas) comment them on this sentence 


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