That One Fight (2)

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Mumbo flew somewhere. He didn't exactly know where but he kept flying. Sooner or later Mumbo realized he was in the shopping district. when he landed, he broke down crying in front of everyone.

 "Mumbo? Are you okay?" Stress and Joe said in union.

 Mumbo hiccuped, then shook his head.

 "What happened?" Joe questioned.

 Mumbo slowly re-told everything that happened between the two. Stress and Joe - the parents of the server - listened to everything Mumbo had to say. The two "parents" flew off to Grians base.

 Cleo and Impulse looked after Mumbo. Impulse rubbed soothing circles and hummed, while Cleo whispered compliments to Mumbo. 

Mumbo left the district feeling a little better about himself 


"Grian!" Stress called.

The two hermits looked around until they heard quiet sobs. Joe opened the door to Grians bedroom.

 "Grian, what happened?" 

 " Nothing. " he replied.

 "I know it's something." Joe said worryingly.

 "Mumbo, Iskall, and I just got into a fight. That's it." 

 Grian turned around to face the other hermits.

"Grian! You need to take care of yourself! How long have you been crying for?" Stress questioned .

"Oh? It was that obvious? Not long." He said blandly. Tears trickled down his imprinted cheek slowly, stinging his cheek.

"D-did Mumbo slap you there?" Joe queried.

"Is it that noticable?" He shrugged. He caressed his cheek.

Joe and Stress sat down on either side of him and listened to his part of the story. By the end, Grian was uncontrollably sobbing.

The two hermits hugged Grian and talked to him. 

 "I still don't think I can talk to Mumbo." Grian mumbled.


Iskall (luckily) wasn't in this argument. He felt disappointed in Grian for joining ConCorp, and was disappointed in Mumbo for slapping Grian. Then Iskall died. (No. Jk)

He huffed and went to see Ren.


"Scar! How's plan "Take Down Sahara" coming along? " Cub mused.

"Pretty good, it's only a matter of time before step two starts." He grinned.

"Do we have everything we need? "

"Yeah, I just need to finish up on something before we start."

" Great. "


"Ren!" Iskall yelled.

" Yeah? Are you okay? I heard what happened in Grians base. "

"I'm just disappointed in both of them. I wasn't really in the "fighting" zone. "

Ren invited Iskall Inside and heard what Iskall has to say about the argument.

"I wish the two of them could quickly make-up, that way we can have Sahara done soon."

" Did you say Sahara? " Ren looked Iskall in the eyes.


" I heard Cub and Scar talking about splitting the Architects up! " he exclaimed.

"That's good!... " He jumped out of his seat, then his voice trailed off. "Except the problem is, Mumbo and Grian can't look at each other, or else they're going to have another fight." He replied sadly before slumping on to his chair.

The two thought for a bit, but we're not that successful. "We should ask the other hermits about what they think, and if they could help us with this." Ren explained.

 The other nodded and separated to collect ideas.



I need more suggestions for my 500 read special! 


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