Mute (Part 1/2)

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I guess you could call this a "vent" chapter.

I'm sorry it's the architects again, I'm not the best at any other hermits.

 Slanted means the character is thinking.


It was a stressful day for Mumbo. 

For starters, he accidentally insulted Joe and Stress.

Secondly, work was piling up for him. He had to finish fixing his automatic farms, build the tallest house on Sahara street, and make sure everything was running smoothly on Sahara.

Lastly, nothing was going right for him.

He constantly messed up his circuitry, and he kept getting burned from the redstone line getting too hot (Like wires).

 "This stupid thing won't work!" He angrily shouted. "I'll just have to ask Iskall for help. " He mumbled. 

Mumbo flies over to Iskalls house, elytra breaking in the process. Mumbo sighs and walks to Iskalls base.

 "Hey Iskall! I need help with my redstone!" He shouts.

 " Just a second! " he calls from the other side.

Mumbo waits patiently as he watches Iskall walking out of his base.

They start heading over to Mumbos base, and Iskall helps him with the redstone.

Once everything was up and running, he left.

Mumbo was able to take his mind off of all the things he has to do, when suddenly, a wave of guilt washes over him.

 "I saw his face when Iskall helped me, he seemed annoyed."

Mumbo sits silently as he tries to remember the expression Iskall had. He remembers insulting Joe and Stress while thinking.

"Surely they know I didn't mean to, right?"

 The guilt builds on him, and he flies (with his newly repaired elytra) to Joe's base. 

Joe was quietly humming a soft tune, with what seemed like a sad expression in his face. 

Mumbo tumbled in the air, realizing how bad a simple insult could hurt.

He turned around not being able to stand being next to Joe. He went back to his base and laid down on his bed.

He put his hands over his face and the hermit silently sobbed.

"If I didn't talk, would this have never happened?"

Mumbo dials Grian.

 "Hello? What's up Mumbo?"

 "I-i I'm so-sorry." He hung up.

 Not a second passes when Grian calls him back.

 "What happened?"

 " Grian... Would it be better if I just went mute? "

 "What? No way!"

 " Liar. I'm such a bad friend. I insulted Stress and How today. I didn't mean to sound harsh, but it did, and now I feel bad. I know how difficult Joe's life is right now, and me insulting him doesn't make things any better.  "

 "But you never meant to hurt them did you?"

 " I asked Iskall for help in the redstone today. He seemed really annoyed. "

 "Iskall always looks like that!" Grian joked.

" No, like he was growing tired of my clingy self. If I just went silent, nobody would be hurt. "

"But we need you Mumbo. Maybe Iskall wasn't feeling the best at the time."

"He's always annoyed at my clingy self! I'm such a waste of oxygen. Breathing in, and spitting poison out."

 " I don't think your clingy! I think you're a nice friend! "

"Liar, you're only saying that because of pity. Stop pretending and show your true feelings towards me."

"If you really want to know my true feelings, then fine!" Grian hangs up.

"I knew it. He never wanted me as a friend. "



Sorry if this chapter seems depressing-

I just wanted to write this to vent.

I know this isn't good, but I literally write it in like 20 mins at 12:00 am ;-;

Anyways, let morning Jelly fix stuff.

Morning Jelly has fixed everything-


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