Discovery (5) END

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The next day Mumbo moved into his hut. It was decorated beautifully, and had everything Mumbo needed for the week. He laid awake in his bed and texted Xisuma.

Mumbo: Xisuma, can you come over? I need to show you something.

Xisuma: Sure, I'll be there soon.

Mumbo waited for Xisuma.


Xisuma arrived and Mumbo let him in.

"What did you need to show me?" He questioned.

Mumbo stretched his wings out. They were smaller than Grians, but we're large enough to lift him off of the ground.

Xisuma awed at Mumbos wings.

"Since when?" X asked.

" I don't really know. " he shrugged. "I went to catch Grian when he was falling, and suddenly I had wings. Stress said it was something to do with my aura fusing with another."

"Then would your ability be copying another persons?" Xisuma questioned. "Would your ability become weaker the more powers you copy? "

Mumbo tried powering redstone. The signal strength was weaker than before. He tried shooting bananas but no bananas came out from his palms.

"Is there a way to retrieve and forget powers?" Mumbo asked.

"Lets try it."

Mumbo slightly touched Xisumas shoulder. He felt a slight tingling sensation as he jerked his hand back.

"I th-think it-it's done."

Mumbo slowly reached for water. He touched it and imagined it was lava. A few seconds later, he felt the bucket warm up.

"Now try and remove my ability." Xisuma

Mumbo nodded and concentrated on removing the power. He felt the tingling sensation leave his body.

"Its done. " Mumbo mumbled.

X nodded. "I'm going to try and research more about your power. "

(Powers are genetic)


There was knocking on the door.

"Come in."

"He has figured out his true abilities. "

"What? " the person yelled. "He wasn't supposed to find out for another few weeks!"

"Mumbo has figured it out with the help of my twin brother. " EX said with disgust.

"I have to take action immediately!"


X came back the next day and talked to Mumbo.

"Apparently your ability is new in your family line. I've never heard anything like this before."

The two hermits sat on the bed and talked.

"I think Stress was just over-reacting." Mumbo muttered.

"Maybe. We still can't be sure so you still have to stay here for a couple more days."

The hermit sadly nodded and waved Xisuma goodbye.


Over the week other hermits came to visit. Mumbo demonstrated his ability to the others.

Other than that, Mumbo did nothing else.


On the last day of week, Stress came over.

Stress knocked on the door of Mumbos secluded hut.

"The door is open!" He yelled.

Stress walked into the room and looked around.

"Sorry I haven't been able to visit much. I had to run a few errands, and those few errands became full time jobs."

" That's okay Stress. "

"Today's the day of your release right?"

Mumbo chuckled lightly.

"I thought you were the one to set this up!"

Stress blushed in embarrassment. "Xisuma explained what your condition was, and he told me I could release you early."

Mumbo smiled. He packed up his stuff and met Stress outside. Her only found Xisuma outside.

"X, do you know where Stress went?"

Xisuma - or what Mumbo thought was Xisuma - turned around.

"Evil X? I thought you were dead! "

"Suprise Mumbo..." EX walked over to Mumbo. He got out his face and swung it at him. (Lol I'm making EX use an axe because I feel like he would use that instead of a sword.)

The axe barely missed.

"EX! I don't want to fight you!"

" Well I do. " he swung it again.

Mumbo whacked his suitcase along Evil Xisumas head.

Somehow, that knocked him out. (Oof sorry for the short fighting scene lol)

Mumbo carried EX to the shopping district.

"Uhm. I have something that you might want to see." Mumbo called.

Doc, Scar, Grian, and Joe came over to examine Evil Xisumas unconscious body.

"But I thought Stress killed him along time ago!" Doc exclaimed.

" I guess not. " Grian murmured.

"Lets just ignore the fact that he's not dead and question him." Joe said quickly.

Everyone nodded and carried EX into Docs base.

Mumbo saw Stress in the bushes. Then she disappeared. He was probably just seeing things. He walked off with the rest of the group.


Stress was stared Ex

"He may have failed me, but at he didn't get in the way of my master plan. He was useless anyways..."

When Stress caught Mumbo looking, she quickly ran away.

"Just wait and see Mumbo... Wait and see... "



Thank you for reading Dicovery!

There will be a season 2 to this!





It's been like 2 weeks.

I didn't catch it until a few days ago.


I fixed it.

Grian wasn't supposed to murder EX ;-;


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