The Purple String

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Another Grumbo fic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well, this will probably be a multi-part fic series thing

I'll try not to give up on this one T^T

The first fic (a.k.a. This one) will explain the AU a bit-

God damn it-

I literally had to edit this 10 time cause the title wouldn't change ;-;


When a person is born, they have two strings connected to them. A blue string and a red string.

The blue string was connected to whatever/whoever would kill you. However, the blue string is very faint, so most people don't know about it.

The red string was connected to your true love (like all those other soulmate fics-). 

The strings would flow their colour brighter depending on if they were near death/close to their true love. 

If your soulmate had died, your red string would fade into a full gray, but not completely disappear. 

I can't tell you anything about why it's called "The Purple String", but you can probably figure it out~

Now, since this is a Grumbo fic, obviously the two main characters are gonna be Mumbo and Grian-

Grian - He is a carpenter (Wow so bland I know-). He has been working as a carpenter for three years, and occasionally takes the role of an architect. 

Mumbo - He is a member of a mafia that I haven't decided on a name for. He is a skilled short to mid range weapon user, and has been in the mafia for over five years. The youngest, yet one of the most respected member of the mafia.

Iskall - He is a part of the mafia as well. Has been working as a part of the mafia for around six years. He is stronger in the stealth region, yet great with long range weapons. Iskall was the first person Mumbo met. They met due to the mafia. Iskall and Grian are kindergarten best friends. However, Grian does not know about Iskalls job.


That's all I could think of for now...

If there is a character that you think should be in this fic, just comment their name and job. 

I will update this first fic regularly if new bits of information are needed.

This is going to be a fun fic to write :D

See ya later, BAi!

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