That One Fight (3)

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Mumbo went back to his base only to be greeted with a hate note.

"Mumbo! I HATE you! Never come close to me or Iskall ever again! You were and still are a terrible friend. Which friend slaps the other? I always knew you were fake. 

- Your ex-best friend, Grian"

"No. Please tell me this is all just a dream." He whispered. "You know what! If he's going to be like that, then be it!" 

Mumbo started writing a letter to Grian. He didn't care what the latter felt, he only felt hatred. The letter was sent to Grian a little later.


When Stress and Joe left, the beacon turned green signaling that there was mail. Grian opened the chest and found the letter Mumbo wrote. He opened it carefully and read the contents. 

"You hate me? Was I not good enough for you? Did I not meet your expectations? Whatever. I can find new friends, who are better than you. Stay away from me.       I hate you too. "

Grian re-read the note a bunch of times. He felt hazy and went to sit down.

"What did I do this time?" Tears were streaming down his face. "What did I do?"

~ ~~

Iskall asked almost everyone in the server on what to do. He had some pretty good ideas in mind.

"Ren! I think I have the perfect plan! What if we send notes to each of them, but write their names in it so they think the other said sorry!" Iskall shouted.

"That's a great idea! Hopefully the ConVex crew haven't already thought about this."

"I'll go check on how each of them are doing."

Iskall flew off in to the direction of Grians base.


"Grian? Grian open up!"

No answer.

"I swear I will kick this door down if you don't answer!"

Still no answer.

"You asked for it!" Iskall began running at the door.

The door clicked open, so Iskall was able to enter more *ahem* civilized. Iskall was met with a battered up looking Grian. 

"Iskall... Am I a bad friend?"

Iskall looked at Grian. "Of course not! Who made you think you were bad?"

"Mumbo." He mumbled.

"Why would he do that? That doesn't make any sense!" He exclaimed. "Give me the note Grian."

Grian reluctantly gave Iskall the note. 

Iskall read it over. It wasn't like Mumbo. Mumbo wouldn't hold a grudge for that long. Only if... Only if he was that furious.

"I'm going to Mumbos base."

"You cant do that! He hates us both!"

Iskall left hurriedly. He was off to Mumbos base. 


"Mumbo! Mumbo! MUMBO!"

No answer.

"What Is up with you guys and not answering me?"

"Go away."

Iskall ignored his request and barged in. Mumbos back was faced to him. Iskall couldn't see Mumbos face, but he could tell the other was hurt.

"I told you to go away." He hissed.

"Only if you tell me why you sent that letter to Grian." He reasoned.

Mumbo faced towards him. 

"Do you really want to know?"


Mumbo threw a piece of paper at him.

"Now go away."

Iskall grabbed the paper and obeyed Mumbo.


"Ren! There's a problem. ConVex already thought of that." He handed Ren the two letters.

"There's going to be no end to this." Ren muttered.

"We need another plan and FAST. They're going to go after one another soon."

Ren nodded. " We need a plan B and fast. "


Scar smiled. They're plan was running smoothly.a

"Scar, ready for the next step? "

"Step 3. The closing? Ready as I'll ever be. " he smirked.

"Lets improve some things before it starts. Make it better. Make it quicker. Make it more... Painful..."



Oof. I updated this super late.

I'm sorry if you're still sad about the ending of Made To Hate.

It was a lot on my plate at a time ;-;.

I'm probably never going to do 5 series at the same time. 

Just only 4 so I don't have to write like 3 chapters a day.

This series is coming to an end soon. So is Who Is Poultry Man.

Once I finish all 4 series, I'll be going on hiatus for a week to clear my mind and get ready for new ideas.


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