Panic Room

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I wanted to try writing a song fic!

Oof, sorry if this is really bad lol

Also, this is slightly continued from "Insane"




-Character deaths


Welcome to the... Welcome to the...

"Huh? What happened?" He rubbed his head, not knowing where he was. 

All he remembered was that he had been taken from his base for an unknown reason, blacked out, then ended up here.

Welcome to the... Welcome to the...

He was in a room which looked like the infinity room, except black instead of white.

The room seemed to stretch out as far as he could see, but in reality, he knew the room was very small.

Hell raising, hair rasing, I'm ready for the worst

He got up into his feet, and looked around the place. It was very empty, and someone could easily be lost there.

He explored the rest of the room, with ease. Putting one of his ears up to the wall, hoping to catch any noise that was outside.

So frightning, face whitening, fear that you can't reverse 

A gust of cold air brushed passed Grians body. He shivered cold and afraid.

His eyes adjusted to the lighting, carefully inspecting the rest of the room without bumping into something. 

He reached into his pocket, hoping to find something. Luckily for him, he had his communicator still on with him.

My phone has no signal, it's making my skin crawl

As he turned on the communicator, there seemed to be a problem.

 "There's no connection, I think I'm high enough in the sky, for the communicator to be disabled and no longer linked to the other hermits." He muttered.

The silence is so loud... The lights spark and flicker

Grian slumped down back onto floor. As every second ticked by, the silence seemed to have gotten more uncomfortable, to the point it was unbearable. 

He counted the seconds, hoping they would go by quicker. Every second felt like a hour to him. The room  began getting colder as time gradually passed.

With monsters much bigger, than I can control now

Grian shivered as he curled up into a ball to preserve body heat. The room dropped in temperature drastically.

He wondered how much longer he could stay there without freezing to death.

Welcome to the panic room, where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you, come for you

He heard small whispers around him. He lifted his head up to find the ghosts of the other hermits. 

"H-huh? Wh-what happened?" He reached out for Iskall, only for his hand to go through Iskalls ghostly body. Iskall looked at the shorter hermit in disgust as he walked away.

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now