Made To Hate

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Yay! Something ConVex related!


Scar and Cub were "created" by Xenolus. 

All of the hermits were created by Xenolus.

But they were corrupted.


"My good brother Xenolus, how are the new hermits coming along?" 

"Very well Neflare. Thank you for asking. " Xenolus replied.

"Do you ever think that the hermits are... Missing something? " she questioned.

"Sister, I believe nothing is wrong."

" Maybe an evil side to them? " 

"No." Xenolus went back to working on Cub and Scar.

"Well then, goodnight brother. " she whisked away.


Later that night Neflare stole the code for Cub and Scar.

"I wonder what I could do with these two?" She questioned while starting to program their code. They were...

Made To Hate


The next morning, Xenolus found Cub and Scar in Neflare's bedroom. He didn't really think of it at the time.

He sent the two out and made sure everything ran smoothly.


 "Hi, my name's Cub, what's yours?"

 "Hello, my name is Scar."

 *Blitzz* ₣łⱠɆ ₵ØⱤⱤɄ₱₮ɆĐ

The two had an evil look on their face. They immediately began to build some sort of machine.


Xenolus watched the two carefully. 

 "Neflare!" Xenolus called. "Did you do anything to the newest hermits?"

 "Nothing, nothing... I just, made them a little more ₣Ʉ₦..." She pulled out her axe. "Now, now... You had one chance to make them a little evil... Now I will make the hermits, make them what they truly are, bring out their real colours." With that, she swung her axe at her brother, hitting him on the back.

 Xenolus shrieked. His own sister betrayed him. 

 "W-why?" He coughed up blood.

 "Just for my amuzment, what else?" She laughed.


Cub and Scar were just about finished their machine. They laughed to themselves. This machine, this very machine could wipe out most of the server. They snapped back into reality.

 "W-what happened?" Scar quieried. 

 "I think someone was controlling us..."

*Blitzz* ₣łⱠɆ ₵ØⱤⱤɄ₱₮ɆĐ

They were back to their evil selves. They powers the machine and waited...

 "This Scar... This will wipe out the population once and for all..." Cub hissed.

 " Of course.... Make sure to get everyone. " Scar lowly growled.

They both evilly laughed. They whispered comments about everybody and everything.


 "Mumbo... Make sure he makes death traps and Joe... Make him evil" Neflare started 'hacking' everyone's file.

 They took action immediately.


 "Hey Joe, I need advice." Stress walked into his base.

Joe whipped his head around. " I am afraid I can't do that Stress"

"Why not?"


 *blitzz* ₣łⱠɆ ₵ØⱤⱤɄ₱₮ɆĐ

 "You will be dead by the end of today."

 Stress stumbled back. This was definitely not Joe's normal behaviour. Joe armed himself and slowly walked towards Stress.

"Goodbye Stress" 


Stressmonster101 was killed by Joehillssays.


 "Hey Mumbo, whatcha up to?"

" I'm just working on things here and there. "

*Blitzz* ₣łⱠɆ ₵ØⱤⱤɄ₱₮ɆĐ

Mumbo started building a redstone contraption.

"What are you building now?" Grian said peeping into the the pit once in a while.

" Nothing that concerns you. "

 Mumbo finished the redstone contraption rather quickly. 

"Since you wanted to know what it is, stand right next to it."

 Grian nodded and stood right next to it. 

 "Now tell me Mum-"

 "Goodbye Grian" Mumbo pushed him in the pit.

The pits pistons rapidly moved trapping Grian inside. 

"Mumbo! This isn't fun-" 

Grian was killed by suffocation.


Neflare stood there, watching all the ways she could kill the hermits. 

 "Soon, I will build my own empire without my useless brother."



Heyo! Thanks for reading! I think I will turn this into a series. The next Update will probably be a 'Discovery ' one. See y'all later, bai!

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