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I dunno if this is angst or not lol

It was supposed to be Joe angst but I think it shifted into a Mafia AU type thing ;-;

Anyways here we go!


Joe woke up after a nightmare.

His forehead was searing with pain. Images of the nightmare was racing through his head. He shut his eyes tightly, but that only made the visions clearer.

There was blood on his hands. The blood of his friends.

 In front of him was the lifeless body of Cub, Scar, Stress, and Tango. Dull grey eyes staring into his murderous brown ones. 

He watched as he killed his friends, striking every hermit until he was the only one left.

Covered head to toe in crimson red blood, he laughed maniacally, climbing to the highest point and towering over the server.

He was finished. It was time for the next one.

Joe gasped and sat up straight. He must've fallen asleep again. 

He shivered at the sight of his dead friends. Even though it was just an image, it haunted Joe.

The same nightmare happened every single night.

He couldn't stop it. 

He couldn't ignore it.

He couldn't do anything about it.

It was pointless for him to ask anyone about it as well.

He huffed, and slowly rose from his bed. Joe shifted his way over to the door and lefted. He yawned from the lack of sleep, but continued the day as normal.

He bumped into Cub on the way to Hermitville, and the only thing he could think about was Cub's unmoving body, lab coat stained with blood.

Cub gave him a wave, and Joe replied with an awkward smile. 

Joe left as quick as possible and tried to avoid interactions, which was easier said than done.

On this certain day, it seemed like the world was against him. Almost all the hermits had come up to him at least once asking him for advice.

Joe barely managed to survive the day. 

He plopped into his bed, and embraced the warmth of the blanket. 

Yet a couple of minutes later, the gruesome images came back. Flashes of red and black rapidly passed through his head, occasionally showing him the pictures of his dead friends.

Joe felt pain in his head, as if he were hit in the head with an axe.

Needless to say, he didn't get any sleep that night.

Morning arrived and Joe lazily got off of the floor, head still pounding with pain. 

He noticed circles forming under his eyes, but ignored them.

Joe went outside only to be greeted with a hot summer day. The sun was beating down on him, and made him feel sicker than he already was.

 "Hey Joe- woah what happened to you? You look really pale." Grian asked concerned.

 "I'm fine." Joe replied. He left right after that leaving a concerned Grian behind.

He activated his elytra and flew high into the sky, looking down on the town. His heartbeat increased as Joe looked down at his hands. 

"Blood?" He gasped. " Nononono... " 

He shut his eyes tightly, then opened them after awhile. The blood was gone. 

He breathed out a sigh of relief, then headed back to his house.

Joe shut the door behind him, and laid down on his bed. 

He closed his eyes for a few minutes, and when he opened them again, he was in a completely different environment. 

Joe was in a black room with the other hermits. They were talking amongst each other about something.

Joe looked around. Nothing was really out of the ordinary. Except, he was wearing a white shirt with black jeans.

He cautiously walked over to Mumbo.

Mumbo backed up immediately, with hatred in his eyes.

 "I know what you did." He growled.

" W-what did I do? " Joe nervously asked.

 "You don't even know what you did? Some lie that is." Scar joined Mumbo.

"You killed our friends. " Doc hissed at Joe.

"No I didn't! " He stepped back, taken aback.

"Then explain this." Ren held up four pictures. Each picture had a hermit, dead on the ground.

 Grian, Cub, Xisuma, and Iskall were dead.

 "What? I never did this!" 

 " Then explain this. " Scar held up more pictures, each with Joe in the background, covered in blood, and with a bloodied weapon. 

 "And look at you." Mumbo scrunched up his face in disgust. " You didn't even wash the evidence off. "

Joe looked down, and his clothes were covered in presumably the others blood.


I dunno where to take it from there honestly

I also dunno what to do for my 50th chapter

Uhh request what I should do for my 50th chapter I guess

Maybe a QnA?

Special chapter?

Probably both, so I need questions.

Also I'll probably finish "Murderer" In the next chapter


See ya later, BAi!

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