Quick A/N

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Uhm... How do I say this? 

I'm running out of AUs to write.

I know your thinking:

 "what? But Jelly/Best, you have currently 4 unfinished series, and 2 AUs you are thinking about starting?"

There's a problem to that. You see, writing has become a hobby of mine now (idk how), but I write around 2 chapters per day. That might not be a problem to you guys, but that's a problem for me because then I finish the series too quickly.

your probably thinking:

"Why don't you write only like four chapters per week?"

The reasoning is simple...


Writers block doesn't hit me unless I'm super un-motivated, which doesn't happen easily, it's really fun to write, seeing your comments make me happy, and make me want to write, and I have nothing better to do. I noticed as well that I was starting to write more detail (to some extent) chapters, and longer chapters. I'm sorry if my stories seem rushed ;-;. 

So yeah... Au concepts are in need. Anything is fine, even if it's weird. Try not to make it ship stuff please, and random filler ideas would be fine.

As you might know, I absolutely SUCK at writing fluff. Discovery was intended to be a fluff writing piece, but it turned out to be angst. So if you request an Au, and it turns out to be angst, I'm sorry...

Uhm... Bai!

(Also I wrote 3 chapters of different Au's and I'm really proud of that.)

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now