Who Is Poultry Man? (3)

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HOLY COW! How did we pass 500 reads? What should I do for this occasion?





Xisumavoid was killed by...


 "J-joe..." Tango muttered.

The hermit turned around at the frail Tango. He had an evil grin forming in his face.


 Tango coughed. "W-why Xisuma?"

 "Because he got in the way of my project. Now shut up or else your next." He said sternly.

Tango went silent. He nodded and went back into his cell.

"You thought that your friend could save you... What a failure. Stop relying on other people." Joe narrowed his eyes. 

 Tango cowered in fear. 

 "Too bad you won't feel anything later." Joe went back to whatever he was doing, and left the cave.

He flew to Grians base. If course.

 "Grian. I need you to place this in Iskalls base."

 "I'm so sick and tired of this! You think you can control me Joe? Well you can't! I'm not going to do it!" Grian yelled.

 "Such a wise choice Grian. Such a wise choice." 

Grian shuddered. He got out his sword and backed away. Joe slowly got out his own sword and circled around Grian.

 "If you won't do it, I guess other people will have to repay your debt." Joe disappeared in a cloud of black smoke leaving nothing behind.

 Grian called Iskall.

 "Iskall... We have a problem."


Joe went to Iskalls base. He place the device that Grian made into one of Iskalls doors.

 Joe hid and carefully watched the other man.

"Grian, what's the matter? Did your base blown up? Or maybe your farms?" 

The Hermit was pacing around waiting for Grians answer, when he stepped on a pressure plate.

" Huh? This wasn't here before. "

"Look up Iskall..." Joe hissed.

Iskall looked up and found an anvil coming straight down on him. He tried to escape but iron bars trapped him in. 

"Grian! Joe! Anvil!" He exclaimed.

A terrible yelp was heard right after that.

Iskall was squashed by a falling anvil      

(five! Okay I'll stop now)

Joe slowly walked over to Iskalls now dead body.

 "Iskall? Are you okay?" Grian asked.

 Joe picked up the phone.

 "This is what you get for not obeying orders, traitor." The hermit hung up on Grian.


Sorry for keeping you waiting for two days. M'kay bai!

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