Looped (2)

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The rest of the morning was spent mourning the loss of their best friend. (Get what I did there?)

Grian and Mumbo were in their tent discussing about the facts they learnt.

"The culprit defiantly isn't an animal, it's person." Mumbo stated.

" Mumbo... We already knew that. " Grian face palmed.

"Iskalls eyes were cloudy and he never came back to camp." Mumbo muttered.

"Do you think... It could be one of us?" Mumbo whispered.

"Hopefully not. Let's keep an eye out for anyone who is not sleeping tonight. Also look if other people have changed their appearance in any type of way. " Grian said somewhat confidently.

They came out of their tent, ate breakfast, and started camp activities. Nevertheless, they had to continue. They were there for a whole week. 


As night rolled around, everyone gathered together and chatted amongst themselves. 

Mumbo sent a look at Grian that meant 'look out for the changes'.

Everyone soon went into their tents leaving Cleo behind. 

"Shouldn't you go to bed?" Grian asked.

" Yeah! I'm a minute! I'm just packing up the stuff here! "

Grian caught a glimpse of purple in her eyes.

"You should really go to bed. " 

"Grian. I told you. I'm fine."

" Plea-"


Cleo continued packing up her stuff while Grian stared. He had a bad feeling about tonight.

Cleo went to bed and Grian followed shortly afterwards. Grian talked to Mumbo about how Cleo's eyes changed to purple 

"Do you think Cleo is next?" Mumbo questioned.

"There's a high chance of that happening tonight. I can't convince Cleo to stay here. I guess..." Grian gulped. "She's going to die tonight."


Sure enough in the morning, Cleo was missing.

 "You don't think... " Stress started. "Lets just..." 

Everyone nodded in agreement. They knew what she was going to say, and split up into the same groups.


A little while later, Grian and Mumbo found Cleo's body at the bottom of a lake. Her limbs were torn off, and she had multiple bullets stuck in her head. Grian shuddered at Cleo's purple eyes. They were the same colour as last night.

Mumbo texted the others.

Mumbo: We found Cleo

Joe: Is she?

Mumbo: sadly... Yes. Meet us back at camp.

Mumbo put his phone in his pocket and headed towards camp.


"Guys... It's not safe at camp anymore. There is a killer going around. We have to go home." Jevin explained.

A few hermits nodded.

"The problem is that we can't. The check-out place is currently under renovation, and everyone here is staying for more than a week. They also have a no refund policy. This place was expensive." Grian huffed.

"That is so stupid." Jevin stated.

"Let's see how everything plays out today." Mumbo said changing the topic.

The hermits nodded and went to do their own thing. Grian noticed Tango walking toward him.

"Grian, want to go canoeing with me tonight? We can we the fireworks on the boat!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry Tango, but I have to work on some stuff tonight." Grian replied sadly.

"Oh... That's okay, I'll just go ask Jevin. " He looked down dissapointed.

Grian felt guilt in his heart, but continued to work through what he was doing.


The hermits sat around the fire again.

"I hope no one dies tonight ." Stress trembled.

"Me neither." Grian nodded in agreement.

" I heard there were fireworks tonight. Our spot is pretty good." Joe butt in changing the conversation.

"Im so excited to go canoeing! I've never been in a boat before." Jevin beamed.

Tango chuckled and went to pack up supplies.

"At least no one looks differently." Mumbo whispered.s

Grian nodded. He wasn't going to let anyone else die tonight.


When the two hermits left, the fireworks started. 

Flashes of blue, red, orange, pink, basically any colour you could've thought of was exploding in the air. The hermits stood in shock as beautiful colours created shapes in the sky. 

After the fireworks were over, everyone bid each other goodnight and headed for bed. Mumbo and Grian talked about the murderer that was going around camp, and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. The two eventually headed to sleep and awaited the arrival of Tango and Jevin. Tango came back...

Jevin never did



Thanks for over 700 reads! The next story will be a 'Made To Hate' one. 

I'm sorry if the writing got sloppier as you read. I'm really tired but I write this anyways.

Good Night, good evening, or good morning!



The next morning jelly is here! I read it over and I shook my heAd so vigorously that I thought my head was going to fall off. There were so many spelling errors and mistakes. I'm sorry you had to read through that! 

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