1 Year?

305 5 16


It's been one year already???

That's just- w h a t

I may or may not have forgotten about this-

Well for the one-year special, I want to combine all the previous thank you A/Ns (if that makes any sense), but first, an Iskall death.
Iskall walked around the shopping district, looking at every shop there was. He forgot about his boots which somehow had broken and needed to mend it.

Iskall popped by LLAMB and reached for an unbreaking book when he heard the sound of pistons moving.

Iskall was a bit too slow at flying away.

He felt the ground shift beneath him, which opened up and dropped him into a pit of lava.

Of course, a prank.

He sighed and respawned in his base rushing over to LLAMB to make sure his items didn't burn or despawn.
There's an Iskall death for all of you playing the Iskall death drinking game-

Drink responsibly >:(

Well anyways, here's a haiku, a throwback to the first thank you,,
Wow it's been a year,
How do I keep writing these,
Is the book ending?
A crappy haiku brought to you by me :0

Welp, now what?

Right, my second thank you....

Hahaha jkjk, well thank you I should say.
That was a terrible thank you-

Now, what did I do for the next thank you?

Things me and my friends have said as hermits!
Xisuma: Welcome to The (insert podcast name here) Podcast, we're your hosts, Xisuma and Keralis! Today we have a special guest, Bdubs!

Bdubs: Wait why am I not a host?

Xisuma: Never mind! Today we have a not special guest guest Bdubs!

Keralis: (laughing) you got demoted from a special guest into a guest-

Bdubs: D:
And that was that lmao-

What was that-

Well the next thank you....

I'll let it speak for itself
Roses are red,

Violets are ♭↳☋€


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[YES]                  [₦Ø]


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And that was the end.

There are no more thank you notes lol.

Now, we've come this far, I have to thank the first viewer who took their time to read through such a trashy hermitcraft fic.


Thank you so much for being the reason I continued writing.

And, thank you to everybody who has read, commented, and voted.

It really means a lot to me.

I'm so happy looking at all the HermitCraft fanfics now, watching the community grow larger and larger.

Honestly this book is very important to me, and I'm so glad to have found many people who like my writing.

I'm not sure where to go from here, but thank you so much for everything.

Thank you for your continued support even when I went on hiatus for a few months.

I owe you so much.

I love each and every one of you.

But now, where does this book go?

Do I keep writing or do I finish it?

We'll see, but for now, I'll keep going.

I love y'all so much 💕 💕

See ya later, BAi!

A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now