Water - Filler (I guess)

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Inspiration just hit me like a truck - this was actually really fun to write


For as long as he could remeber, Grian hated water. You may be wondering how he managed to build his base on water. The fact was, it wasn't him. It was the man in the chicken costume (jk). It was Scar who helped build his base. Since Grian had wings, he could just fly around his base without having to touch water. 

But one day, Iskall decided to prank Grian. 

That night, when Grian went to bed, Iskall took action. He shoved Grian into a pool of water and waited for him to wake up. He ended up drifting to sleep. (What a wonderful and amazing prank, I know)


Iskall woke up a few hours later only to be met with a ear piercing scream. He moved his head over look at Grian. He definitely wasn't expecting this.

 "Iskall!" Grian yelled.

 The hermit was shocked on what to do. There laid Grian with his leg- tail splashing in the water. Grian struggled to hop out and once he did, his legs returned back to normal. Iskall looked at Grian in shock. Grian stomped over to him and slapped him for making him have a heart attack. Iskall stood there not knowing what to do. He eventually ended up calling Mumbo.

 "Hey Mumbo..."

 " Yes? " the other reason hermit replied.

 "Come check this out!" 

 Iskall then shoved Grian back into the water, and his tail began to reappear.


Mumbo ran over to Grians base to see what all the ruckus was about. He looked at Grian with a shocked face. The man looked at Iskall next. He glanced back and fourth between the two of them. 

 "We're going to see Xisuma about this" mumbo grumbled before dragging the two other men out of the door.


Xisuma ran over once he heard knocking. He opened the door to see the Architects there.

 "Hey, what brings you here?" He questioned.

 " You have a lot of explaining to do Xisuma. " Mumbo muttered. He then proceeded to grab Xisuma's hand and forced all three hermits into Grians base. Mumbo then shoved Grian into the pool of water.

 "Was this really necessary mumbo? Grian questioned.

Mumbo grunted in response and pushed Xisuma to show what happened to Grian. Xisuma just chuckled nervously as he fumbled with his helmet. 

" Care to explain? " Mumbo calmly asked. (How does someone CALMLY ASK when you're friend just turned into a merman?) 

 "A-ah about that" Xisuma started blushing with embarrassment. "Wait... Where did you get that water?!?" He asked shocked.

 " I just found it in my base. " Iskall replied.



Xisuma had just finished cleaning and modding all of the water, except for a few buckets. Iskall just asked him to deliver some water to his base. Xisuma obliged and che must have mixed the modded and regular water together. He must have accidentally given Iskall the regular water.

*End of Flashback*


He shuffled his feet nervously, blushing even more.

 "Well, spit it out!" Mumbo mumbled.

 " A-as you see... I may or may not have modded the water so you couldn't figure 'that' out" he said while pointing at Grians tail.

They all stood in shock until Iskall recovered, and jumped into the pool with Grian, only to see a tail forming behind him. 

"I can't believe you Xisuma." Mumbo mumbled.

" Well, it seemed like everyone already had a lot on their plate so I didn't bring this up" he lightly chuckled.

"And your only telling us now?" 

" Aheh... Sorry. "


Thanks for reading! 

this was mostly a filler episode, and I'm NOT going to correct things cause it's almost 2 am, and I'm so tired. As you see, this just popped in my head while I was looking at merMAY fanart. It's pretty terrible considering I rushed it, but I guess it turned out okay. Please tell me more AU ideas since I'm running out, and I promise the NEXT one will be an actual 'dicovery' chapter. (I really should rename th seires... I need suggestions! Also I saw something quiet close to this on Amino. I SWEAR I didn't copy this from them. I just got this idea after reading other people's AUs and stuff.) 

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night (I dunno I'm so brain dead at this point)

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