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Grian is mentally insane.

"Ahaha" He laughed. "I swear, I did nothing wrong."

 Grian was in a holding cell.





Grian didn't feel like himself. He wanted to almost kill someone. To see what it would feel like. They could heal and Grian could frame it on another person. 

 "Frame it on Joe..." 

Grian grabbed his gasoline can and some matches. 

Mumbo and Joe were talking about something. 

Mumbo. The perfect target.

He put the bucket of gasoline above the doorway and saw mumbo get splashed. Grian lit the match and threw it onto Mumbo. He watched as Mumbo burst into flames.

Grian saw Mumbo look at him, before Mumbo disintegrated into ash.

A grin formed in his face. 

"Killing people is so much fun..."

He grabbed his boxes of matches and headed for the shopping district. 

Perfect. A wooden shop. He poured gasoline everywhere.

Grian: Everything at Sahara is half off! Iskall, can you help me with the sales? Mumbo said he was busy.

Iskall: Sure.

Grian waited.

Most of the hermits came to the shop.

Grian blocked the only door out of Sahara. 

He lit the matches and threw them.

Grian flew away and watched as the whole island caught on fire.



 "I was just playing with fire. .." He stared at the ground and smirked.

 Grian killed almost every single hermit.

 Only 5 were left. 

 Doc, Cub, Xisuma, Joe, and Stress.

"Grian. Somethings definitely wrong with you." Doc spoke.

 "What me?" He stared up into Docs eyes. Grian laughed. "Nothings wrong with me!" He creepily smiled. Grian tried to move but there were chains on his legs. It also didn't help that he was in a straight jacket.

 "Tell us why you did it." Joe walked up besides Doc.

 Grian stared at Joe in confusion. "Why? Because I get to be in control of people's lives. They put their faith into my hands, and I crushed everything that they owned, even their lives." Grian perked up. " Every single one of my allies were fools. Brainless people who put their lives into my awaiting hands. I loved seeing them die. It brings so much happiness to see their bond to mine, slowly breaking. "

The hermits kept Grian in the cell. 

 "What are we going to do?" Stress questioned.

 " We can't just let him out! " Xisuma replied back.

The hermits stood there bickering for a long period of time.

 "Okay Gri- where did he go?" Doc asked.

 The other hermits shrugged. They had a pure look of terror on their faces.

Grian escaped.



This was a one-shot! 

I didn't feel like sleeping so I made this instead.

Also, thanks for 2k reads!

Oof I'm tired.

Also #SaveMumbo #FreeMumbo .

I will update Looped tomorrow.


A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now