Promise Me?

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Angst fic!

Everyone's favourite!


Suicide, depression.

Please skip if you are sensitive to these topics.


 "We'll never leave, we promise."

 " Promise my butt. " Grian muttered standing next to the bridge.

Tears stung his eyes as he remembered the day that they were killed.


 It was dark out as Grian fell asleep, Iskall and Mumbo were staying over for the night.


Grian watched in horror as he saw Iskall and Mumbo get trapped inside of the burning house.

 "Iskall! Mumbo!" He cried out.

Grian was able to get the hose and douse the flames. He ran over to the now burnt down house.

 The hermit checked, and in the house, there was nothing left except of a pile of ash.

 "No... Mumbo... Iskall..." Grians eyes welled up with tears. He let them fall while kneeling down and crying at the sight of his best friends ashes.

End of Dream

"Grian! Are you okay?" Iskall kicked the door open and sat down next to a crying Grian. Mumbo followed after him.

 "What happened?" Mumbo questioned.

 " I-I just had a nightmare... Will you gu-guys ever I-leave me? " He looked up at them.

 "No! Of course we wouldn't leave you! We'll never leave, we promise." Mumbo sternly replied.

Iskall nodded and smiled.

The three hugged and Grian was able to peacefully sleep.




Mumbo and Iskall walked out of Grians room whispering.

They heard a loud crash coming from outside, and went to check it out.

The two went closer to it, and they saw nothing. They figured it was just because they were tired.

When they turned back to go to Grians base, something knocked them backwards, into a pit of flaming fire. 

Mumbo closed his eyes as the flames engulfed him, Iskall whispering for it to all be a dream.


Grian woke up from the loud crash, and looked outside. He followed Iskall and Mumbo walking towards where the sound came from. 

He watched as the thing knocked the two hermits into fire. 

Grian ran to the pit, but once he was there, the fire had disappeared.

 "You promised.." His voice cracking as Grian stood alone.

 Flash back end

Grian climbed over the fence of the bridge. 

 "I'm coming you two." He said while smiling.

 He kicked off of the bridge and plummeted to his death.


The end. 

Wow it sounds so plain ending it with "the end"

Anyways, please don't do what Grian did.

If you have any angst requests, please comment them on THIS sentence.

Sorry if it was a little short ;-;


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