Looped (4)

474 11 40


This was NOT inspired by Happy Death Day. I'm too scared to even watch any horror movies anyways.


Mumbo heard a light ringing noise next to him. 

He rolled over into his side. Wait, he rolled over into his side?

He jumped back and noticed that, he was still alive?

 "What! I thought I died!" He whispered.

Mumbo picked up his phone and identified the caller. 

 "Grian.... What happened?"

 " I don't know! " Grian exclaimed. "I think we might have restarted the week. If that's the case, we have to go to the campsite and warn everybody about this. I'm picking you up in an hour."

The hermit hung up on Mumbo.

Mumbo sighed and packed up his stuff. 

 "What's going on?"


A hour later Grian arrived.

 "While I was getting dressed, I noticed that I had a scar across my back. Do you think This was when Tango killed me? " Grian questioned.

Mumbo shrugged and went to look at his own back. He didn't have one at the back, but he had a scar above his heart. 

"We need to tell Tango to get his own car. We need to delay his arrival as much as we can."

Mumbo nodded and pulled out his phone.

Mumbo: Hey Tango

Tango: Hey Mumbo

Mumbo: Sorry, we can only take Jevin. There's no more room here and we promised to pick him up

Tango: Are you sure that there's no room? 

Mumbo: Sorry Tango

Tango: Dammit! That's going to delay the trip for a few hours at least! Just text me when you get there okay?

Mumbo: Okay, I'll text you when we get there.


Tango stomped around in anger. 

"My plan was running so smoothly until Mumbo messed it up! My first victim will be him." 

Tango grabbed a dagger from inside his bag and twirled it around in his hands. He harshly threw it at a target. 

 "I swear, I will kill each and every one of them as many times as possible." He smiled while throwing another dagger at the target.


Grian picked up a scared looking Jevin.

"Jevin! Are you okay?"

" We have to kill Tango! I can't believe I trusted him! He killed me! Well not really since I'm alive. "

"We didn't pick up Tango. That will delay him for a few hours. We have to create a plan with the other members." Mumbo said while joining the conversation.

Jevin and Grian went into the car, and headed towards the campsite as fast as possible.


They arrived at the campsite. Every member of G-team was there. They all had a scar indicating where and how they died.

"We have to kill Tango or else he will kill us again. It hurts, and I don't want to feel that pain again. " Iskall said hastily.

"We can't do that! Let's just lure him in, and then capture him." Grian suggested.

" Fine... " Iskall grumbled.

"We have a few hours before he gets here. Let's brainstorm ideas."

They spent the rest of the evening brainstorming ideas on how to capture Tango.

~ ~~

"Ugh! I can't believe I forgot to erase their memories when they died! Now they're going to remember that I killed them." Tango yelled in frustration.

He was nearing the campsite and watched as Mumbo set up a small trap-like thing.

"You can't fool me that easily. " Tango blew a poison dart in Mumbos direction. 

It hit him straight in the shoulder. He watched as Mumbo fell onto the ground.


Mumbo woke up in a white room. The last thing he could remember, was that he got hit in the shoulder by a dart.


 He could still remember everything, but was oblivious on what happened outside of the white room. All he could see was white, just like Grians infinity room (minus the chairs + architect logo).

He felt his shoulder and found a dart that was stuck, but it didn't hurt him at all. He took out the dart and looked over it carefully.

It was a poisoned dart. 

The puncture wound was now gone, and replaced with a faint scar.


A few hours went by and Mumbo sat down lazily. Joe suddenly popped out of nowhere. Mumbo shook the other hermit awake.

Joe started to stir, and eventually woke up.

"I'm back here again..."

"What do you mean by that? " Mumbo questioned.

"I'm back in this white room."

"Do you remember how you died, and did you find my body?"

"Well..." Joe hesitated. "Grian found you on the floor. There was a dart in your shoulder. By the time it was pulled out, you were dead. Right now the other hermits are covering up the fact that they know Tangos the murderer. As for how I died... Do you remember those net traps that we made? "

Mumbo nodded. That was the first thing they all did.

"Well, I got lured into one, and got speared in the stomach. (Hunger games reference. Poor girl. *Ahem* no name cause of spoilers.)" Joe said while pointing to his stomach. 

There was a spear stuck there, but it didn't seem to be bothering Joe. He pulled out the spear and tossed it to the side. The weapon disappeared almost instantly.

"Looks like we'll be stuck in here for a while. " Mumbo mumbled.



Thanks for more than 100 votes! :D

I'm super tired right now, but I will edit this tomorrow.

Irony have the energy right now, but in the morning I will fix up some things.

Tomorrow there will be no chapter.

The day after that there will be, and so on.

When I finish this series, I will be on hiatus for a week.

Once I come back, I will start 2 new series, plus the second season of  Discovery.

Sorry for the long authors note.

I just had a bunch of things to say.

Good night, good evening, or good morning to wherever you people are.


(Yes, BAi is my outro.)

Morning Jelly/Best here!

Wow I had so many mistakes...

I don't know how you put up with me.


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