Who Is Poultry Man? (2)

758 21 42


If you are confused, no, this does not belong in the same AU as 'Discovery'.


Grian just about finished the last bit of redstone. He just pulled an all-nighter as was feeling very worn out. Poultry man came flying through at the exact time.

 "I assume you are finished grian" the person spoke.

 "Y-yes! I-im fin-finished!" 

 " Perfect. If this contraption makes any mistakes, you know what will happen. "

Grian backed away from the masked figure. He showed how all of the buttons worked, ect.

The masked figure left the room, with the contraption. They were able to successfully "prank" Tango. Their next victim, Rendog.


Nobody had see Tango for weeks. Everyone thought he was on vacation, but even so, his rocket shop would've been restocked. 

 Xisuma asked everyone if they had talked to or seen Tango. Everyone declined. It was very strange. The most he had been gone for was a few days.

X searched over the whole HermitCraft server. Still no sight of the demon.

X eventually stumbled upon a cave. He hadn't seen this cave before, maybe somebody built this while he wasn't looking. X decided to go in and search for Tango.

When he went inside, he was met with screens covering every inch of the wall. 

 "Mmph! Mmmmmph!" 

 Xisuma heard muffled cries and headed in that direction. He opened the door to what seemed to be a room filled with cells.

 "Who's there?" He called out.

 "Mmmm" the voice replied back.

X found where the core were coming from. It was very dark and gloomy, but he went in there anyways. He saw Tango with his arms and feet tied up. He was bruised badly, and was presumably left there to die. The hermit passed out from the exhaustion shortly after. (I was originally going to kill Tango, but I didn't)

Xisuma helped the poor Tango out. 'Who would do this?'

 "Visiting hours aren't open yet" a voice called out from behind him.

Xisuma turned around. "It was you! You did this to him!" he cried out.

"Yes, yes, it was me. I was going to go after Ren, but I see that that is no longer in order, since I have you"

The masked person pulled out his sword.

"Since you will die today, might as well figure out who your murderer is." The figure took off his mask and looked down at X. The hermit took his sword and  forced X to tilt his head up.

"H-how could you?" 

The hermit laughed.

"No more questions now, hush"

The sword went straight through his neck.

X gasped for air. 'so this is how it ends'. A single tear ran down his face as h is worldslowly faded out.

The man laughed at his failure of a friend. "Goodnight Xisumavoid."





Xisumavoid was killed by....

(This is fine... I killed Xisuma instead ;-;. IT WAS BY ACCIDENT!)



Cliffhanger! YEs, I do know who the "bad guy" of this series is. Take a guess! Next chapter will probably be a the next part for 'Discovery'. 

Also, thank you for 200 reads! Wow... I just uploaded the 100 reads special around 19 hours ago. You guys are seriously too nice. 


A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now