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~Lilith's POV~

"What the fuck?" Luke hissed as we all sat at the lunch table on Friday afternoon. Scarlett had just told him that the reason she'd asked him to pack a bag of clothes was because they were all staying at my house for the weekend. Even though he'd been sitting across from us when she and I planned it, he hadn't heard, nor had Ruby.

Ruby just sat there with her eyes hardened and her jaw clenched as her arms crossed angrily over her chest, staring down at the table. "There's no way in hell I'm doing that!" Luke scoffed, sending me a scowl before he returned his gaze to Scarlett. At the mere look he'd given me, I turned my gaze down to the table, unable to look at him anymore. He really didn't like me. "Oh, yes there is!" Scarlett argued, giving him a glare of her own. Luke blinked and shook his head, leaning his forearms against the table as he leaned forward. "No, Scarlett. I'm not staying at her house." He refused, looking back over at me with an irritated glare. He really didn't want to join us, which I was ready to say was okay. I didn't want him to hate me more for having to stay at my house.

Scarlett, however, refused to stand down. "You're doing it, Luke, and you are too, Ruby. Everyone else is going!" She exclaimed angrily, brows furrowing together in frustration.

Luke inhaled deeply and clenched his jaw, looking about ready to blow a fuse. "Fuck." He growled, his hands clenching into fists. "Fine. I'll fucking go." He snapped, not looking very happy about having agreed to this. Ruby still just sat there, glaring down at the surface of the table. "Fine." She ground out eventually, forcing herself into agreeing to go as well. I awkwardly bit my lip, running a hand through my hair. "Good." Scarlett said, a smug smile now on her face as she looked between the two. "You two will have to get your shit when you go home today and then I, or Ashton, will pick you up." She explained, looking over at me and giving me a genuinely friendly smile that I easily returned.

Just like that, everyone went back to their own conversations.


After school was over, I drove myself home and parked my car in the drive way before I got out and locked the doors. I hurried up to the front door and unlocked it, stepping inside of my house and quietly closing and locking the door behind me. Luckily, my mom wasn't home, nor was my dad. That wasn't surprising, though.

It was a really good thing that I'd talked to my mom last night about having everyone stay the weekend here. I mean, I obviously couldn't have asked her the day of, or not ask at all. If I hadn't said anything and she came home tonight to a bunch of random kids in her house, she'd probably kill me. My parents were awesome, but there were obviously still limits as to what I could and couldn't do. Inviting people into our house that my mom didn't know and not asking her about if it was okay was definitely one of those limits.

Once I was inside, I quickly headed my way upstairs, knowing that I needed to clean up my bedroom. We only had four spare bedrooms and that meant that Xander would probably have to share my bed with me while everyone else paired up to sleep together in the other rooms.

I kicked off my shoes and picked them up, heading into my closet and placing them back where they belonged at. I left my closet, turning off the chandelier in there and turning on the chandelier in my bedroom. Surprisingly, my room wasn't very dirty at all, but that probably had something to do with the fact that I liked to keep my room clean. My room was always its prettiest when it was clean and tidied the way I liked it, so I tried to keep it that way. All that I ended up having to do was clean up a few pieces of paper that I'd used and throw them in the trash. I'd already bought myself new roses for my vases, so the ones that I'd had before had been tossed out due to them wilting.

Maybe it was weird, but even when roses were wilting, I found them pretty. That's why it usually took me a while to toss them out, even after they've wilted, but this was a different situation. I had people coming over, after all. so I had to throw the wilted ones out and get fresh ones.

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