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~Lilith's POV~

On Wednesday, I returned home later that day after my day at school and at the soup kitchen, parking my car in the driveway. I cut the engine and got out of my car, shutting the door before I locked it and headed up the driveway to go inside.

I hadn't even reached my front porch before I heard the rumbling of an engine as another car pulled into my driveway, but then it stopped when the engine was turned off. Confused, I turned around, wondering who had just parked in my driveway. I didn't have tutoring sessions with Luke on Wednesdays, so I had sort of assumed that it wouldn't be him. However, I found myself proved wrong when I was greeted with the sight of Luke's car parked there in the driveway, right behind my car.

Dumbfounded, I just watched as he got out of his car and came stalking up towards me, a determined look in his eyes. Somehow, I just knew that he wasn't here to play around. He had had enough of me ignoring him, of trying to avoid having to talk about what happened with Ruby. Still, instead of trying to go inside to avoid him some more, I just stood there and watched him with surprise. I hadn't expected him to be here.

What I expected even less was for him to swoop an arm around my waist when he reached me, tugging me up against his chest to claim my lips in a rough kiss. I gasped in surprise as his soft mouth moved against mine, his other hand tangling into my pearl blonde hair. Even though I wondered if I should've pushed him off, my body refused to do that. I couldn't find it in me to push him away from me. Instead, I just dropped my purse onto the concrete and slung my arms around his neck as I pressed closer to him. I couldn't even deny how much I had missed the feeling of his lips against mine, his hands on my skin.

"I love you." He suddenly ground out against my lips, those simple three words having the power to make my knees weak. The happiness that shot through me was enough to make me grin like a moron against his mouth, tangling one of my own hands into his curls. "I love you, too." I admitted softly, our warm breaths mixing together as we kissed.

Luke suddenly pulled away and loosened his grip on my hair, his blue eyes stormy. "Good." He whispered. "Then you'll listen to what I have to say about what happened with Ruby." He said.

For just a second, I looked up at him, wondering if I really had it in me to listen to this. Then, I realized I definitely did. If it meant that Luke became mine and I became his, I'd listen to it a thousand times over. "Okay." I agreed, feeling his large hand slip into mine. I lead him inside and locked the front door behind us, turning around to see that he was already heading upstairs alone. Quickly, I skittered up the stairs after him, the two of us entering my room and sitting down on my bed.

"Okay." I hummed, looking up at him as I set my backpack on the bed beside me while I waited for him to start. However, I assumed he didn't know where to begin judging by the look on his face. "It was just...a bad mistake." He sighed out, eyeing me closely. "When I went to go to bed, I accidentally went in Ruby's room and I fell asleep in her bed. I-I know it sounds stupid, but I had thought she was you when..." He trailed off and cringed, as if it killed him to even think about the fact that he had had sex with her.

Maybe it wasn't even that he'd had sex with her in general that killed him, but the circumstances in which it'd happened, the things that had followed. "How?" I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest. "We look nothing alike." I mentioned.

He let out a soft sigh. "I don't know." He admitted softly. "I mean, it doesn't make it any better, but I was so drunk, angel. I was so drunk that it was as if my mind hadn't even processed that it wasn't you. I just saw you there anyways." He said. I stared at him for a second, suddenly understanding something. Ever since I'd caught him, I'd been incredibly confused by that look of confusion he'd had on his face when he saw me in the doorway, and the way he'd reacted when he looked at Ruby. It hadn't made sense to me then, but it did now. He really had thought it was me there.

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