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~Luke's POV~

At her words, I moved across the bed, sitting right next to her instead of across from her like we usually sat. My thigh pressed into hers and I leaned a little closer, trying to properly see the book. "Did you want to do our usual method, the one where we alter between paragraphs?" She asked me in her soft voice, curiously looking up at me.

Her blue eyes peered at me and I felt guilt weigh me down as I realized I'd nearly made her cry earlier. I hadn't even meant to be an asshole like that. It had just happened. Lilith was sweet, too sweet, but she really did make me sort of irritated. I had always thought that she had a perfect life because that's what it seemed like. Whenever I looked at her, that was all I saw—perfection. Not only did she appear perfect all the fucking time, even the times she had no makeup on, but she was smart. She was nice and she was innocent and rich. Her parents were still married, too. Lilith just seemed like the embodiment of what perfection would be. Was it really so crazy that I'd think that she had a perfect life when she was always happy and, well, perfect?

Still, I realized that that was all just an assumption. I hadn't met her mom or her dad. I didn't know Lilith as a person or friend, but simply as my tutor. At the end of the day, I knew nothing about her other than the fact that she was rich and was friends with my friends. I didn't have the right to judge her because I didn't know her at all. Sure, I didn't like Lilith all too much, mostly because the only part of her I did know was a part I didn't really want to, but that didn't mean I wanted to hurt her or make her cry. So I'd have to work on not judging her.

"Um, yeah. That sounds good." I agreed, nodding my head. She smiled and scooted a bit closer, so close that it was impossible not to notice how firmly her thighs were pressing into mine. "Okay," She began happily, placing the book between us as best as she could. "So, you can read first and then I'll go after." She said, tucking a strand of her pearl blonde hair out of the way. I nodded awkwardly and looked down at the book, sighing deeply when I saw that we were reading poetry. "Come on, you'll survive. The poem isn't very long, I promise." She encouraged, patting my arm. Although I really didn't feel like reading this stupid poem, I did it anyways.

I began hesitantly reading it aloud, feeling her light gaze on me as I read. When I finished the paragraph, Lilith took her turn to read, her soft voice filling the otherwise silent room. My eyes fell to her lips as she spoke, only one feature of her face that always caught my attention. Really, her entire face always did. Lilith was really a damn beautiful girl and I would be an idiot to say otherwise. Just because I didn't like her much didn't mean I was blind. She was easily the prettiest girl I'd seen in my life. It wasn't unusual or weird that she had guys constantly talking about her, but I did think it was funny that none of them did that same talking to her face. Shit, she probably intimidated them, honestly.

I had no shame in admitting that I was attracted to her, to be honest. Just because I thought that she was deadly gorgeous didn't mean that I was going to try to make a move on her, though. This was still Lilith, after all, and she was cute and innocent in her personality. Physically, she looked like she had been made to tempt men and lure us in like a siren. But again, it's Lilith.

When she finished reading her paragraph, she waited for me to continue while I just looked at her intently. I looked down at the page and read the next paragraph, not wanting her to call me out on staring at her. She was just an easy person to want to look at. It wasn't my fault.

By the time we had finished reading the poem, maybe twenty minutes had passed by. "I thought you said it wasn't that long." I complained, leaning back into her pillows with a deep sigh. A smile formed on her lips as she turned to look at me, turning a page in the book. "It wouldn't have felt so long if you'd just stop getting so distracted. Don't think I didn't notice you looking at me, by the way." She tutted, shaking her head. "You must really not like to read if you're resorting to just staring at me." She observed. I gave her a sheepish smile and shrugged. "These things are all just boring. Even you entertain me more and we don't even do anything together." I snorted, rolling my eyes.

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