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~Lilith's POV~

Luke didn't speak to me for a few days after the day that I spent at his house, not that I was surprised by that. However, I just assumed that maybe he had been busy with something, so I didn't fret over it very much. I didn't think there was any point. I mean, it didn't do anyone any good, especially not me.

Today, being Thursday, was the day that Luke finally decided to break the silence between the two of us, though. I was in the middle of watching a movie on Netflix when my phone buzzed from beside me on my bed, causing me to pause the movie and look down at the screen of my phone. When I saw that it was Luke calling me, I picked up my phone and answered his call, raising it to my ear so I could hear him. "Luke?" I asked into the phone, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Lilith?" He groaned into the phone, his voice a little lower than usual as he slurred his words together. Just with him saying that one word, I knew that he was drunk. I sighed deeply and looked down at the clock on my laptop, just to see that it was a little past nine PM now. "Luke? Are you drunk?" I sighed out, knowing full well that he was. I just wanted to see if he'd be honest about it with me.

He let out a little giggle into the phone line and then stopped. "No." He denied, clearly lying to me. I rolled my eyes and leaned back against my headboard, very unimpressed with his obvious lie. "Yes, you are." I called out, my voice flat. Another little giggle fled from his lips, the sound so uncharacteristic of him that I couldn't help but to smile a little, finding it cute. "No, I'm not." He cooed back.

"Why did you call me, Luke?" I asked him, knowing that if I didn't get right to the point then he'd probably never actually get to it himself. He'd just go on about who knows what. "Mmm..." He hummed, probably trying to think of what it was he'd called me for. I was still not quite sure why he called me when he was drunk, which he'd done before, but I was almost used to it by now. "Oh, right." He chuckled softly.

"I wanted to a-ask you..." He began slowly, his voice a bit slow. "Umm, I-I might've gotten drunk at Ashton's house and I need someone to take me home, but everyone else is drunk too." He complained into the phone, huffing in distress.

"You want me to come and pick you up?" I asked him, frowning a little as I looked down at my blanket. He paused for a moment. "Maybe just a little bit." He admitted in a low mutter, as if embarrassed. I groaned softly and slid out of my bed, slipping on a simple pink slip dress for me to sleep in and then a pair of fuzzy slippers, my phone still on the call with Luke. "I need the address." I mentioned to him, grabbing my car keys.

When he gave me the address, I quietly left my room and skittered my way down the stairs, assuming that both my parents were asleep already since neither of them were anywhere to found on the way out the front door. I got into my car and began the drive to Ashton's house, which actually ended up only being about five minutes. In comparison to the thirty or so minutes to Luke's house, that was absolutely nothing.

Once I arrived at Ashton's house, I saw Luke was outside, laid on his back in the middle of the front lawn by himself. With my brows furrowed in confusion, I got out of my car and stalked over to him, hearing him softly hum to himself as he stared up into the starry night sky. "Luke?" I quietly called to him, trying to get his attention.

Luke's head lifted to look over at me and he got this cute grin on his face. "Angel!" He cheered drunkenly, dropping his head back down against the grass. "What are you doing here?" He asked, seeming to have forgotten that he called me just a few moments ago. I smiled a little and stepped up onto the grass after I took off my slippers, feeling the little shards poking into the bottom of my feet. "You called me here, remember?" I reminded, peering down at him as I stood a little away from him.

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